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Superstorm batters East Coast, killing 16

中国日报网 2012-10-31 10:41



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Sandy, one of the biggest storms ever to hit the United States, battered the nation's eastern seaboard on Tuesday, swamping New York City streets with record levels of floodwater, blacking out power to millions of people and bringing transportation to a halt through much of the region.

At least 16 people were reported killed in the US by Sandy, which dropped just below hurricane status before going ashore in New Jersey on Monday, according to officials and media reports. More than 1 million people across a dozen states were under orders to evacuate as the massive system continued to plow westward.

One disaster forecasting company predicted that economic losses could ultimately reach $20 billion, only half insured. The storm also slowed the presidential campaign at a key time ahead of next week's vote and closed US markets for two days.

Sandy, which was especially imposing because of its wide-raging winds, brought a record surge of almost 4.2 meters to downtown Manhattan, well above the previous record of 3 meters during Hurricane Donna in 1960, the National Weather Service said.

Water poured into the subway system and tunnels that run under the rivers around Manhattan, raising concerns that the world's financial capital could be hobbled for days to come.

"The New York City subway system is 108 years old, but it has never faced a disaster as devastating as what we experienced last night," city transport director Joseph Lhota said early on Tuesday.

Arriving in Atlantic City at about 8 pm (local time) with maximum sustained winds of 130 km/h, Sandy churned up huge waves that smashed parts of the city's famed seaside boardwalk.

Meanwhile, in New York, a massive power outage also occurred, affecting areas beyond the planned power shutdown in lower Manhattan.

US President Barack Obama declared a "major disaster" had hit the states of New York and New Jersey, an order that cleared the way for federal grants and loans to help storm victims acquire temporary housing and repair damage.

Further south, the sea surged over vast swathes of the eastern seaboard, turning coastal cities into ghost towns as the high winds grounded flights and shut down rail links, public transport and government offices.


1. What is the name of the hurricane?

2. Which two US states have been declared “major disaster” areas?

3. Which famous boardwalk was destroyed in the storm?


1. Sandy.

2. New York, New Jersey.

3. The Atlantic City boardwalk.

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)

Superstorm batters East Coast, killing 16

About the broadcaster:

Superstorm batters East Coast, killing 16

CJ Henderson is a foreign expert for China Daily's online culture department. CJ is a graduate of the University of Sydney where she completed a Bachelors degree in Media and Communications, Government and International Relations, and American Studies. CJ has four years of experience working across media platforms, including work for 21st Century Newspapers in Beijing, and a variety of media in Australia and the US.



















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