中国日报网 2015-02-03 10:15
More than 1,500 tip-offs have been received since Chinese authorities launched a campaign against online extortion and paid post deletions on Jan 21.
网络敲诈和有偿删帖,可以用online extortion and paid post deletions 表示,一些网站或不法分子假借开展批评性报道或以“维权、监督、曝光”之名(in the name of rights defense, supervision or exposure),向涉事地方党政机关和企业索要“广告费”(advertising fees)、“赞助费”(sponsorship)。网络敲诈和有偿删帖是不法行为,损害了网络信息的有序流动(damage the orderly flow of information),扰乱了市场秩序(disrupt market order),危害监管机构和媒体的形象(harm the image of regulators and media)。
网络敲诈和有偿删帖专项治理对外针对非法网站及网络公司(illegal websites and online companies)开展,为期半年。对内针对各级滥用职权谋取私利的网络监管者(Internet regulators who abused their power to make profits)开展,为期3月,对非法行为零容忍(show zero tolerance to illegal acts)。
公众可以通过12377热线(12377 hotline),或www.12377.cn 网站进行举报,最高奖励5万元。自专项整治活动开展以来,举报中心接到了1500余件举报(more than 1,500 tip-offs),其中492件有效举报已移交执法部门(law enforcement departments)。
(中国日报网英语点津 刘秀红)