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CHINADAILY手机报 2017-02-06 14:34


5. 脱欧白皮书
Brexit white paper


The British government published a Brexit white paper setting out its plans to bring the UK out of the European Union on Thursday.

该白皮书详细列出了包括限制移民(immigration control)、贸易协定等12条原则,与首相特蕾莎·梅提出的"一个独立的、真正全球化的英国以及与欧盟关系充满前景的未来(an independent, truly global UK and an ambitious future relationship with the EU)"理念一致。

英国脱欧事务大臣戴维斯表示,这12条原则指向同一个目标:英国与欧盟之间建立一个全新的、积极的、建设性的、互惠互利的伙伴关系(a new, positive and constructive partnership between Britain and the EU that works in our mutual interest)。

脱欧白皮书(Brexit white paper)的主要内容包括:

贸易(Trade):英国将从单一市场撤出(withdraw from the single market),与欧盟商讨新的海关和自由贸易协定(free trade agreement)。

移民(Immigration):将推出新的机制控制欧盟移民流动,该机制将分阶段推行,以便企业有时间准备应对(be phased in to give businesses time to prepare)。新机制旨在帮助弥补技能工人短缺,欢迎"真正的"学生到英国(help fill skills shortages and welcome "genuine" students)。

外籍居民(Expats):英国政府希望尽早就保障居住在英国的欧盟居民(EU nationals living in the UK)和居住在欧洲的英国居民(Britons living in Europe)的权利与欧盟各国达成协议。

主权(Sovereignty):英国将脱离欧洲法院的司法管辖(leave the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice),但会就贸易纠纷(trade dispute)等事宜寻求建立单独的解决机制(seek to set up separate resolution mechanisms)。

边境(Border):旨在建立"北爱尔兰和爱尔兰之间尽可能无缝、无摩擦的边境"(aim for "as seamless and frictionless a border as possible between Northern Ireland and Ireland")。

分权(Devolution):决策权回归英国之后,苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰将获得更多权力(give more powers to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as decision-making is brought back to the UK)。


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