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最恶心食物博物馆挑战你的胃 门票是呕吐袋 15 'Disgusting' Foods Will Have Your Taste Buds Begging for Mercy

中国日报网 2018-11-26 13:17



Bull penis  牛鞭

The long and short of it is that bull penis is featured on menus in China, and is purported to have aphrodisiacal powers.


This and other strange foods are featured at the Disgusting Food Museum in Mälmo, Sweden.



Casu marzu  意大利卡苏马苏活蛆奶酪

How do you improve a nice sheep-milk pecorino? In Sardinia, you start by cracking open the cheese and letting a whole lot of flies settle in. As they eat, poop and lay their eggs in the cheese, the flies impart unique flavors that are only improved by the texture of the wriggling maggots after they hatch. Yes, you're supposed to eat them, too.



Century egg  松花蛋

Enjoyed in China for hundreds of years, the century egg is a duck, chicken or quail egg steeped for up to five months in a special broth that includes black tea, salt, lime and wood ash.



Cuy  烤豚鼠

In Peru, people have been raising and eating guinea pigs — called cuy — for about 5,000 years. They are usually served fried or roasted whole.



Bat soup  蝙蝠汤

Soup made with fruit bats was so popular in Guam that the bats were nearly eaten into extinction. When the bats are cooked, they produce a strong, urine-like smell, but their meat is allegedly sweet and tastes somewhat like chicken, according to the Disgusting Food Museum.



Haggis  羊杂布丁

Haggis, a much-loved pudding in Scotland, is made of minced sheep's liver, lungs and heart, combined with onions, fat and oatmeal. The pudding is cooked in a casing — traditionally a sheep's stomach.



Jell-O salad  果冻沙拉

So-called salads made of gelatin with bits of fruits and vegetables suspended inside became hugely popular in the United States during the 1920s and 1930s. They continued to appear on American tables through the 1970s, when their popularity began to wane.



Kale pache  羊头汤

Kale pache, or sheep's head soup, is a traditional slow-cooked dish in Iran, and is made with the sheep's hooves as well as its head.

Kale pache,也就是羊头汤,是伊朗传统的一道慢炖菜,用的是羊蹄和羊头炖汤。


Kiviak  基维亚克

To make kiviak, a traditional Inuit food from Greenland, up to 500 small birds called auks are stitched up inside a sealskin and stored under a rock for three months. Once the birds are done fermenting, they are eaten for special occasions.



Kumis  马奶酒

Kumis, a fermented drink made from mare's milk, is popular among people of the central Asian steppes. Higher sugar content in mare's milk makes kumis more alcoholic than kefir, another fermented drink made from cow, goat or sheep milk.



Salty licorice  咸味甘草

The salty tang of Finnish black licorice — flavored with ammonium chloride — is certainly an acquired taste, but many newcomers to the candy quickly learn to love it.



Baby mice wine  老鼠仔酒

Found in southern China and in Korea, this alcoholic brew is infused with the bodies of hairless baby mice.



Nattō  纳豆

In Japan, nattō — sticky, slimy soybeans fermented with the bacteria Bacillus subtilis — is a traditional dish and a popular breakfast food.



Sheep eyeballs  羊眼

Pickled sheep eyeballs served floating in juice are sometimes used as a hangover remedy in Mongolia.



Su gallu 羊仔奶酪

Made in Sardinia, su gallu is a cheese that ferments in the stomach of a slaughtered baby goat, made from the sheep's milk that was its very last meal.

意大利撒丁岛的又一杰作,su gallu是一种奶酪,让小羊仔喝下羊奶作为最后一餐,然后将其宰杀,再让羊奶在其胃中发酵。



中国的麻辣兔头   图/disgustingfoodmuseum.com


中国的臭豆腐乳   图/instagram-disgustingfoodmuseum


瑞典鲱鱼罐头  图/facebook-Disgusting Food Museum


中国三鞭酒  图/disgustingfoodmuseum.com


鱼子酱和美国根啤:像风油精的啤酒你敢喝吗? 图/disgustingfoodmuseum.com






馆长塞缪尔·韦斯特表示,虽然博物馆以“恶心”为名,但他的实际目的并不是以奇怪的食物恶心游客,而是通过食物,引发众人对文化差异的思考。对一种文化背景的人来说是恶心的东西,也许对另一种文化背景的人来说,却是美味。俗话说的好,one man's meat is another man's poison。






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