中国日报网 2020-03-19 11:37


Medical masks and surgical masks are sufficient for normal use, and wearing multiple masks does not provide more protection, according to the guideline.
指引对普通公众(general public)、特定场所人员(people at specific areas)、重点人员(key population groups)以及职业暴露人员(people with occupational exposure)进行分类,并对不同场景下戴口罩提出科学建议。
普通公众在居家(stay at home)、户外(outdoors),无人员聚集(no crowds)、通风良好(well-ventilated)的情况下,建议不佩戴口罩。
The public is advised to carry along masks when in crowded places such as offices, shopping malls, restaurants, workshops and public transport. People in high-risk areas should wear surgical masks all the time when entering such places, while those in medium-risk and low-risk areas need to wear medical masks when in contact with others at the distance of less than 1 meter.
Those who have cold symptoms such as coughing or sneezing, or who live with personnel in quarantine or that have recovered from the novel coronavirus and been discharged from the hospital, are suggested to wear disposable medical or surgical masks.
People working in places such as hospitals, train terminals, airports, prisons and nursing homes need to wear surgical masks or respirators of grade KN95/N95 or above.
The suspected cases, confirmed cases of novel coronavirus, asymptomatic cases and those who have close contact with confirmed cases are recommended to wear surgical masks or respirators with no breathing valve graded at KN95/N95 or above. Entry personnel need to wear such masks from the moment they enter the country to the end of their required quarantine.
带呼吸阀的防护口罩 valved respirator
一次性口罩 disposable mask
防护物资 protective materials
护目镜 protective eyewear
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)