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中国日报网 2020-07-01 10:00


日环食 annular solar eclipse

今年6月21日是夏至(summer solstice),当日下午,一场十年一遇的“金边日环食”也震撼登场。

People in quite a few places in China witnessed on Sunday the most anticipated celestial event of the year, an annular solar eclipse.The entire eclipse lasted about three and a half hours, but its duration as it passed over individual locations was equal to around 90 seconds.


日环食(annular solar eclipse)是日食(solar eclipse)的一种,发生时太阳的中心部分黑暗,边缘仍然明亮,形成光环。这是因为月球在太阳和地球之间,但是距离地球较远,不能完全遮住太阳而形成的(not close to the Earth enough to completely obscure the sun)。随着月球位置的移动,我们能观测到的日食还有日全食(total solar eclipse)和日偏食(partial solar eclipse)。

Solar源于希腊语,指“of,relating to,or proceeding from the sun”(和太阳有关的或从太阳发出的),其相关的表达如:solar calendar(阳历),solar heating system(太阳能加热系统)等。


作名词时,常用的搭配是in eclipse,如Fred was in eclipse, exiled to a small post in the south.(弗雷德失势了,被打发到南方去担任一个小差使。)作动词时常见be eclipsed by搭配,如:She is quite eclipsed by her clever younger sister.(在聪明的妹妹面前,她变得黯然失色。)

The annular eclipse crossed a path that started at sunrise in Africa and eventually moved across to China before ending at sunset over the Pacific Ocean.

In China, it was visible in central areas of the Tibet autonomous region and Sichuan province, northern areas of Guizhou province, central areas of Hunan province, southwestern regions of Jiangxi province, southern Fujian province and central areas of Taiwan.


北斗卫星导航系统 Beidou Navigation Satellite System



The launch marked the completion of the in-orbit construction of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) , the country's largest space-based system and one of four global navigation networks, along with the United States' GPS, Russia's GLONASS and the European Union's Galileo.


北斗卫星导航系统(Beidou Navigation Satellite System)是中国着眼于国家安全和经济社会发展需要,自主建设、独立运行的卫星导航系统(independently constructed and operated by China),是为全球用户提供全天候、全天时、高精度的定位(all-time, all-weather and high-accuracy positioning)、导航和授时服务(navigation and timing services)的国家重要空间基础设施。

中国高度重视北斗系统建设发展,自 20 世纪 80 年代开始探索适合国情的卫星导航系统发展道路,形成了“三步走”发展战略:2000 年年底,建成北斗一号系统,向中国提供服务;2012 年年底,建成北斗二号系统,向亚太地区提供服务(provide services in the Asia-Pacific region);计划 2020 年前后,建成北斗三号系统,向全球提供服务(provide global services)。2035 年前,将以北斗系统为核心,建设完善更加泛在、更加融合、更加智能的国家综合定位导航授时(positioning navigation and timing,PNT)体系。

1994年,北斗卫星导航系统启动建设。20多年间,我国在西昌卫星发射中心共组织了44次北斗发射任务,利用长征三号甲系列运载火箭,先后将4颗北斗一号试验卫星(experimental satellites)、55颗北斗二号和北斗三号组网卫星(third-generation satellites)送入预定轨道,任务成功率100%。

By now, 59 satellites, including the first four experimental ones, have been launched from Xichang on Long March 3Bs, some having since been put into retirement.

There are 30 third-generation Beidou satellites in three types of orbit — 24 in medium-Earth orbits, three in inclined geosynchronous satellite orbits and three in geostationary orbits.

家暴人员婚姻登记查询系统 inquiry system for domestic violence prior to marriage registration


An inquiry system for domestic violence prior to marriage registration - the first of its kind in China - will be put into use in Yiwu, Zhejiang province, starting July 1, allowing people to check if their would-be partners have a criminal record related to beating or abusing family members.


2017年起至今因实施家庭暴力行为被判处刑罚的人员(those who have been convicted over family violence)并实时更新;

2017年起至今因实施家庭暴力行为被人民法院裁定受人身安全保护令限制的人员(those who have been subjected to restraining orders over family violence)并实时更新;

2017年起至今因实施家庭暴力行为被公安机关处以行政拘留处罚的人员(those who have been sentenced to detention over domestic violence)并实时更新。


根据查询人申请,查询人提供本人身份证、结婚对象身份证信息(personal information about their fiances)、申请书、真实性和保密性责任书(statements that applicants are accountable for the authenticity of the materials and the confidentiality of the results)等材料,向婚姻登记处提交申请,经审核后方可查询对方是否有家庭暴力相关记录。

All application materials will be strictly reviewed by the marriage registration office before the application is approved.

Users can only search the database twice a year, to look at the records of at most two people.

Those who disseminate or use the information in the database for any purposes other than their own matrimonial decisions will “bear legal consequences”.

商合杭高铁 the Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou high-speed railway



With a designed speed of 350 kph, the route connects the city of Shangqiu in central China's Henan province, and Hefei and Hangzhou, the capital cities of east China's Anhui and Zhejiang provinces. The northern section of the railway, from Shangqiu to Hefei, went into operation in December 2019, according to China State Railway Group.

商合杭高铁(the Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou high-speed railway)一路衔接郑徐、合蚌、合福、合宁、宁安、宁杭和去年12月初刚通车的郑阜等7条既有高铁(existing high-speed railway),合安、湖杭、沪苏湖等3条在建高铁(high-speed railways under construction)和京港高铁阜九段、阜淮、亳蚌、淮蚌、合新、巢马、宁宣、宣绩等8条规划高速铁路和城际铁路(planned high-speed railways and inter-city railways),连接商丘、阜阳、合肥、芜湖和杭州五个铁路枢纽(railway hubs),是我国高速铁路、客运专线建设中衔接关系最为复杂的项目。通过商合杭高铁,旅客可以融入更为广阔的全国高铁网(high-speed railway network),更快到达更多目的地。

The opening of the new route will further optimize the railway network in the country’s central and eastern regions and greatly ease the mounting pressure on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed line to provide a more convenient travel experience for passengers along the route, the company said.

The line is also expected to spur the rise of the central region and boost the integrated regional development of the Yangtze River Delta, it added.

义务教育 compulsory education

近日,教育部等十部门联合印发了《关于进一步加强控辍保学工作 健全义务教育有保障长效机制的若干意见》。


The completion rate of nine-year compulsory education is expected to reach 95 percent by the end of 2020, the guideline said, calling for ongoing efforts to make sure children from impoverished families have access to compulsory education.


Compulsory这个词我们都很熟悉,表示“强制的,义务的,必须做的”意思,除了表示“义务教育(compulsory education)”以外,学校里设置的“必修课”是compulsory courses,再比如,It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets.(所有骑摩托车的人都必须戴头盔。)

意见强调,确保建档立卡贫困家庭辍学学生今年秋季学期全部应返尽返(make sure all dropouts from impoverished families return to school in the fall)。坚决防止因疫情造成新的辍学(prevent any new dropouts due to the COVID-19 pandemic)。


Education, public security, human resources and social security authorities should share information about any students who start working before age 16, and authorities should punish employers that hire those students, the guideline said.

Authorities should use various means, including persuasion, financial aid and even administrative and legal punishment of parents to encourage dropout students to return to school and prevent new dropouts, it added.


这里的dropout是名词,表示“辍学”,其动词形式为drop out,常见的搭配为drop out of school。Drop常见的短语搭配还有drop in/by(顺便拜访),比如:Drop in/by any time—we're always home.(随时来都可以,我们都在家。)如果要表明顺便拜访的对象则多用drop in on someone表示,比如:I hate to drop in on people when they aren't expecting me.(我不喜欢贸然造访别人家。)

The number of dropout students in China has nose-dived from 600,000 in early 2019 to 6,781 on June 14, thanks to the nation's poverty alleviation efforts, the guideline said.

There were only 97 students from families registered as impoverished who were not attending primary and middle schools by June, down from 200,000 in early 2019, it said.


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