每日一词∣深化医药卫生体制改革 deepen reform of medicine and healthcare system
中国日报网 2020-08-04 16:24

A document released by the General Office of the State Council clarifies the key tasks for deepening reform of medicine and healthcare system. It calls for strengthening the public health system, improving the monitoring and early warning system for infectious diseases, and preparing for COVID-19 prevention in autumn and winter.

We should reform and improve the disease prevention and control system, strengthen the capacity of disease prevention and control at rural and urban grassroots level, and build a better system to coordinate major public health risk analysis, evaluation, decision-making, and prevention and control.
We will deepen reform of the medicine and healthcare system, establish distinctively Chinese systems for providing basic healthcare, medical insurance, and quality and efficient healthcare services, and develop a sound modern hospital management system.
Healthy China initiative
monitoring and early warning system for infectious diseases