中国日报网 2020-08-17 13:22


Schools across the country will reopen on a staggered schedule in the coming weeks, and a number of universities and colleges in some cities, including Beijing, welcomed their first batches of students who were checking in or registering on Saturday.
这里的staggered是形容词,表示“错开的”,比如疫情期间,很多公司实行staggered working hours(错峰上下班)政策,也就是不同部门的员工上下班以及午休的时间各不相同,以避免同一时间段内人群在同一个场所聚集。上文中的staggered schedule也是类似的意思,不同年级的学生开学报到的时间不同,由此也可以避免校园里学生大量聚集。此外,staggered还有“震惊的”意思,比如:I was staggered at the price of the bag.(这个包的价格吓到我了)。
《中小学校秋冬季新冠肺炎疫情防控技术方案(更新版)》要求,各地根据当地疫情防控风险级别和疫情应急响应级别作出中小学开学决定。同时,鼓励具备条件的中小学校教职员工开学前自愿接受核酸检测(voluntary nucleic acid testing)。
The guideline said all teachers, students and staff from low-risk areas must present a green health code to be able to return to school. Those from medium-risk or high-risk areas will need to have a negative result in a nucleic acid test in the week before their return to campuses.
College staff and students will not be required to wear masks on campuses.
Colleges and universities should step up checking, registration and management of food and parcel delivery workers entering campuses, and designate areas for the collection and delivery of parcels, it added.
Students in primary and middle schools will need to carry medical face masks, but those in low-risk areas will not have to wear them, it said, adding that primary and middle schools will be put under relatively closed management, with no entry for visitors, in a bid to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.
Schools should enhance the disinfection, ventilation and hygiene of canteens and stagger meal hours to prevent crowding, and also guide students to maintain a safe distance from each other when waiting in lines.
Students and teachers who are currently overseas will not be allowed to return to campuses until further notice.
常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control
保持社交距离 social distancing
实行封闭式管控 to exercise management by sealing off entities
恢复生产生活秩序 to resume work and normal life
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)