梦境反映健康状态,这几种做梦状态需要注意 5 Things Your Dreams Can Tell You About Your Health
chinadaily.com.cn 2021-09-01 08:00


If you're the type to ignore the signs that you're under the weather, maybe a freaky nightmare will prove the point. Being sick can trigger nightmares, according to the Mayo Clinic, especially if your illness is accompanied by a fever. If you weren't paying attention to what your body was trying to tell you before, the morning after that weird nightmare is the time to tune in!

When we ignore what's taxing us, those stressors can follow us to bed. Sometimes, stress can manifest itself as common dream themes like missing a plane or an oncoming tidal wave, according to DoctorOz.com. Other times, a particularly bizarre dream might help you realize it's time to slow down. Some say that stress dreams might actually be helpful if they reveal what's truly bothering you and point to why you're feeling that way.
If people with diabetes experience a serious dip in blood sugar, one possible symptom can be bad dreams and nightmares, according to WebMD. Taking too much insulin or certain medications can cause this drop, called hypoglycemia. Of course, most people with diabetes will learn to recognize early symptoms of low blood sugar before nightmares point out the problem. But hypoglycemia can occur during sleep.

Many a mother can attest to dreaming more while pregnant. Over those nine months, dreams seem to increase in general, but strange or vivid dreams can become particularly common. Although more -- and scarier -- dreams aren't necessarily pleasant, a mom-to-be with strange or upsetting dreams might actually be in luck: An Israeli study of 166 pregnant women found that the more harrowing dreams a woman had, the less likely she was to develop postpartum depression.
If stress and anxiety can cause such strange and often upsetting dreams, it should come as no surprise that more serious mental health conditions can similarly interrupt your sleep. Bipolar disorder is known to cause vivid or bizarre dreams in some people, according to WebMD. And a study of Vietnam veterans found that 52 percent of combat vets with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) had nightmares fairly often, compared to only 3 percent of civilians, according to the U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs. If you find yourself experiencing nightmares or very vivid dreams frequently, considering discussing your sleep with your doctor. Seeking treatment for both of these conditions can improve the quality of your sleep.