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Desperate Housewives 1《绝望主妇》1(精讲之八)
[ 2007-01-10 17:17 ]

影片对白  I hate myself for what we did! Okay? I can't sleep at night! I've got to make a clean break. 

3. make a clean break

本意是“突变(彻底的改变)”,这里的意思是“完全和Gabrielle 断绝关系”。例如:Finally, Ada decides to make a clean break with her drunkard boyfriend.

4. pussyfoot around

意思是“犹豫,怀疑,观望”,例如:Stop pussyfooting around and say what you mean. 别那么缩手缩脚的, 说说你到底是什么意思吧。

5. strip mall

A mercantile establishment consisting of a row of various stores and business and restaurants along a road or busy street; usually opening on a parking lot. 从阵容上看,有点类似我们的商业街。

6. snoop around

这里的意思是“偷偷窥探”,例如:The man has been snooping around outside my house for the whole day. 那个男人一整天都在窥视我家。

Snoop around 还有“巡逻”的意思,例如:
The house perfects often snoop around our campus at night. 学生纠察队经常夜间在校园里巡逻。

6. wall off

本意是“用墙隔开”,这里Susan的意思是“Mike 把生活的大部分都(用墙)保护起来,不让外人知道”,例如:Linda walls off her life to protect herself.


Confession 忏悔——宗教的仪式,心灵的需要


Confession of sins is an integral part of the Christian faith and practice. The meaning is essentially the same as the criminal one - to admit one's own guilt. Confession of one's sins, or at least of one's sinfulness, is seen by most churches as a pre-requisite for becoming a Christian.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, acknowledgment of sinfulness, in public or private, regarded as necessary for divine forgiveness. In the Temple period, Yom Kippur included a collective expression of sinfulness, and the day continues in Judaism as one of prayer, fasting, and confession. The early Christian Church followed John the Baptist's practice of confession before baptism, but soon instituted confession and penance for the forgiveness of sins committed after baptism. The fourth Lateran Council (1215) required annual confession. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches consider penance a sacrament, but most Protestant churches do not.


如何对待自己犯下的罪行,每个人有不同的看法。在这一集的结尾,Mary Alice 说到:There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. Of course, not everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things that they do. In contrast, there are those who assume more than their share of the blame. There are others, who sooth their consciences with small acts of kindness. Or by telling themselves their sins were justified. Finally, there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time, and pray for forgiveness. 任何做法不过是为了获得心灵上的安定。比较起来,改过和弥补也许是最好的了吧?



1. Look, you and I are finished. From now on, I'm sticking with Danielle.
2. Well, every little detail is one thing. You know, weird creepy secrets, that's another.

Desperate Housewives 1《绝望主妇》1(精讲之七)考考你 参考答案

1. Of course Andrew is acting out. He has every right to be angry.

2. Mrs. Stark, you handle this however you see fit.

3. Well he better be good, because when I'm finished with you, you won't have a cent to your name!

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