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The devil wears Prada 《时尚女魔头》(精讲之六)
[ 2007-03-16 17:25 ]

文化面面观  传媒大鳄--Rupert Murdoch

我观之我见  故事的结局旨在赞扬 Andy,赞扬她找回自我、不慕虚荣、脚踏实地追求梦想。然而,记者的职位和高级时装其实只是不同的梦想罢了……

考考你  一展身手



The devil wears Prada 《时尚女魔头》(精讲之六)Miranda: So... first of all, we need to move Snoop Dogg to my table.

Andy: But your table's full.

Miranda: Stephen isn't coming.

Andy: Oh, Stephen is... so I don't need to fetch Stephen from the airport tomorrow?

Miranda: Well, if you speak to him and he decides to rethink the divorce... then, yes, fetch away. You're very fetching, so go fetch. And then when we get back to New York, we need to contact, um... Leslie to see what she can do to minimize the press... on all this. Another divorce... splashed acrossPage Six. I can just imagine what they're gonna write about me. TheDragon Lady, career-obsessed.Snow Queendrives away another Mr. Priestly. Rupert Murdoch should cut me a check... for all the papers I sell for him. Anyway, I don't... I don't really care what anybody writes about me. But my... my girls, I just... It's just so unfair to the girls. It's just... another disappointment... another letdown, another father... figure... gone. Anyway, the point is... the point is... the point is we really need to figure out where to place Donatella because she's barely speaking to anyone.

Andy: I'm so sorry, Miranda. If you want me to cancel your evening, I can.

Miranda: Don't be ridiculous. Why would we do that?

Andy: Um, is... is there anything else I can do?

Miranda: Your job. That's all.

Nigel: Hi. I need Miranda's itinerary for tomorrow.

Andy: Okay. Come in.

Nigel: Who put that together for you?

Andy: This? Oh, it's just something Ithrew on.

Nigel: Turn around. Let me see. Turn. Mm.Incroyable. It's really just... No, it's... No, okay, good. Really. I think that my work here is done. We're going to celebrate. I'm going to get some champagne.

Andy: Okay. What are we toasting?

Nigel: We are toasting, my dear, to the dream job. The one that a million girls wanted.

Andy: Which I got months ago.

Nigel: I'm not talking about you.

Andy: Mm-hmm.

The devil wears Prada 《时尚女魔头》(精讲之六)Nigel: James Holt...

Andy: Yeah.

Nigel: Massimo Corteleoni... is investing in James's company and taking it global.

Andy: Mm-hmm.

Nigel: Bags, shoes, fragrances... the works. And James needs a partner. And that partner would be me.

Andy: Does Miranda...

Nigel: No, no, Miranda knows, because...

Andy: Oh.

Nigel: Oh, sheput me up forit. Oh God, no. Can you imagine?

Andy: But... but... but you're leaving. I can't imagine Runway without you.

Nigel: I know, I know, but I'm so excited though. This is the first time in 18 years I'm going to be able tocall the shotsin my own life. Oh, my God!


1. Page Six

Page Six 是New York Post 《纽约邮报》的娱乐八卦专栏,该报纸为传媒大鳄Rupert Murdoch所有,所以 Miranda 才说他应该给自己支付报酬,因为自己的离婚上了《纽约邮报》,会让报纸的销量大增。

2. Dragon lady

Dragon lady 这个表达来自于 Milton Caniff 的连环漫画 Terry and the Pirates,该漫画在1934到1973年间创作并在很多报纸上连载,风行一时。Dragon Lady 是其中一个邪恶的亚洲女人的名字,现在常被用来指“强大的、统治欲强的女人;好战的女人;危险、充满诱惑力的女人”,例如:They called her the neighborhood dragon lady--she was always yelling at the children.

3. Snow Queen

安徒生童话The Snow Queen 中的人物。The Snow Queen, queen of the snowflakes or "snow bees", who travels throughout the world with the snow. Her palace and gardens are in the lands of permafrost, specifically Spitsbergen. 她把人类绑架到她的宫殿中去。人类受了她的影响后,看到的世界中只有丑恶。Snow Queen代表着世界冷漠、黑暗的一面。

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