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Open season《丛林大反攻》精讲之五
[ 2007-12-14 16:36 ]


文化面面观  早期动画名人

考考你   小试牛刀 



McSquizzy: Are you not gonna buy him a drink before you kiss him? You big jessie. On your bikes, you big numpties.

Boog: That was Ian's girl you was trying to talk to, huh? You dog.

Elliot: Ian's right. I'm a loser.

Boog: No, you're not a loser.

Elliot: Yes, I am.

Boog: No, you're not.

Elliot: Yes.

Boog: No.

Elliot: Trust me. You know the day I met you, Ian kicked me out of the herd. I lost my antler, I got run over and tied to the hood of a truck. What do you call that?

Boog: A loser. But check this out. Behold, the mighty grizzly. I look like a bear, I talk like a bear. But I can't fish, I can't climb a tree, I can't even go in the woods.

Elliot: That's nothing. Half doe. Half buck. I'm a duck.

Boog: Hey, I ride a unicycle for crackers!

Elliot: I have a glass eye.

Boog: I can't snap.

Elliot: I thought "log" was a color.

Boog: I can't see my feet.

Elliot: I killed a man. Well, at least you've got a home.

Boog: Home. Yeah. I sure hope so.

Elliot: Crimenently! Was that your neck?

Boog: No. My fishy crackers. Oh, she still loves me. Thank you, Beth. I'm coming home. Try one, partner. Yeah. Woo Hoo bars they ain't, but they take you back. You know? Remind you of home. Sweet, salty home. Oh, yeah. To be back in my own soft bed. Eight square meals a day, plus snacks. Beth tucking me in every night. It's like heaven to me. You know, when we get back home tomorrow, I’m gonna make things right with Beth. And maybe, just maybe, we'll find a place for you in the garage with me.


1. Big jessie

Jessie 是个女孩名,说某人是“big jessie”意思就是说他“像女孩一样软弱”,例如:Fred wouldn't fight me - the big jessie. 弗莱德不敢和我打架。

2. On your bike

意思是“滚开get lost/ go away/ get out of here”。

3. Numpties


4. Dog

这里的 dog 指“卑鄙小人”,看来在英语中dog也是有两面性的:You stole my watch, you dog. 你偷了我的手表,你这个卑鄙小人。

5. Run over

这里的意思是“碾过,撞倒(通常也会碾过)”,比如:The car ran over our dog. 那辆汽车碾过了我们的狗。

6. Check out

这个片语应该是check something or someone out,意思是“investigate or evaluate something or someone,observe carefully”,例如:I don't know if you'll like the film; check it out yourself. 我不知道你会不会喜欢这部电影,你可以自己看看。

7. Salty home

都说 sweet home,你听说过 salty home 吗?这里 Boog 的意思是他在家里能享受很多美味,甜的咸的都有,所以他说 sweet, salty home,营造一种喜剧效果。

8. Tuck in

这个动词短语的意思是“(把被子/衬衣等)掖进去”,也指“把孩子裹在被褥里(让他感到安全)”,例如:Mother went upstairs to tuck in the children. 母亲上楼给孩子掖好被子。

9. Make things right with someone

意思是“solve the problems with someone 解决和某人之间的问题”,例如:You should make things right with your father. 你应该把和你父亲之间的问题解决了。


文化面面观  早期动画名人

考考你   小试牛刀

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