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Keeping mum《保持缄默》精讲之一
[ 2008-04-17 18:14 ]


影片简介  这是一部黑色戏剧。Keeping mum 直译过来应该是“主妇,女管家”,电影说的也是一位女管家如何帮一个家庭回归到正常生活轨道上的故事,只不过她的办法实在是太出人意料了。

考考你 一展身手



Mr Goodfellow: Mrs Parker asked after you again this morning.

Mrs Goodfellow: Surprise, surprise.

Mr Goodfellow: I think I'm beginning to run out excuses.

Mrs Goodfellow: Well, then don't make any. You know what you can do, you can go down and kill that bloody dog, and I'll put in a month of Sundays.

Mr Goodfellow: Was that a brassier over Holly's shoulder this morning?

Mrs Goodfellow: You're a half day behind the rest of us, you know that? We call it a bra nowadays.

Mr Goodfellow: Why did she have it over her shoulder?

Mrs Goodfellow: She was doing the laundry.

(Dog barking)

Mrs Goodfellow: Mr Brown? Mr Brown, it's Mrs Goodfellow, about Clarence, it's about your dog.

Mr Brown: You woke me.

Mrs Goodfellow: Yes, well, your dog woke me.

Mr Brown: What did you say?

Mrs Goodfellow: I said your dog woke me.

Mr Brown: Well, he's found his voice.

Mrs Goodfellow: Yes, he has, hasn't he? I was wondering whether we could perhaps keep him inside just the night-time.


1. ask after

这个片语的意思是“to make inquiries about the health, etc of 问候,探问”,表示对第三方的问候,例如:She asked after his father. 她问候了他的父亲。

2. I think I'm beginning to run out excuses

“我想我没什么借口了”。Run out 这里的意思是“用光,耗尽”。

3. put in

Put in 这里的意思是“spend time at a location or job”,就是“工作(在布道后和牧师一起在教堂外送别教众)”,例如:He put in three years at hard labor. 他辛苦工作了三年。

4. a month of Sundays

一个月有28天到31天,“一个月的星期天”就意味着连续三十个星期。这个成语喻指“很长的时间”。例如:He could easily have revenged himself by giving me a kick with heavy shoes on the head or the loins that would have spoiled my running for a month of Sundays. 他若要报仇,那很容易,只要用他沉重的靴尖向我头部或腰部一踢,就能让我很长时间走不了路。

5. You're a half day behind the rest of us

“你比我们慢半拍。”Mrs Goodfellow 的意思是自己的丈夫专注于宗教,和世俗的生活要脱节了。


影片简介  这是一部黑色戏剧。Keeping mum 直译过来应该是“主妇,女管家”,电影说的也是一位女管家如何帮一个家庭回归到正常生活轨道上的故事,只不过她的办法实在是太出人意料了。


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