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Runaway Bride《落跑新娘》精讲之五
[ 2008-06-24 15:30 ]


文化面面观  拳手Jack Dempsey&Gene Tunney

我观之我见  电影是一部温情喜剧。Maggie不断地从婚礼上逃跑,是因为她不知道自己想要怎样的男人,直到遇到了Ike。

考考你 一展身手



Grandma: Good luck, sweet girl.

Maggie: Oh, thank you, Grandma. I love you.

Maggie’s dad: I'm really rooting for this one.

Maggie: Okay, Dad.

Cory: The place is packed with the whole town of Hale on the bride's side, and with many New Yorkers on the groom's side.

Bob: Is this taken?

Elaine: No. I'm Elaine from Manhattan.

Bob: I'm Bob, Maggie's fourth attempt.

Elaine: I'm sorry.

Bob: That's okay. There's a lid for every pot. And I'm comfortable with Ike. It's like Jack Dempsey lost his heavyweight title to a New Yorker.

Elaine: Right. Gene Tunney.

Peggy: Spit! Let's go.

Maggie: Uh, okay. No sauntering down the aisle. I don't like that. Make time. Just get there. Just go.

Peggy: Fine.

Pastor: All rise, please.

Cory: The bride is walking down the aisle. Maggie Carpenter is walking down the aisle. Oh, she's pausing.

Ike: Stay with me.

Bob: Keep eye contact.

Pastor: Please be seated. Thank you.

Man: I sneaked in a camera.

Pastor: We are gathered here today--Please, no cameras now. Could we hold off photos until the end of the ceremony? Thank you. We’re gathered here today…

Ike: No.

Pastor: Where's she going?

Ike: Don't. Maggie! Block the doors! No, Maggie, don't! Back up!

Cory: Oh, never a dull moment at a Maggie wedding.

Maggie: There's a man coming with lots of candy in his pocket. If you tickle him, he'll give you all his candy. Here you go, little queen. Just tickle him.

Ike: Maggie!

Children: Give us some candy!

Ike: Whoa. No no no, not me. Get the naughty bride. Naughty bride. No, no. It's an Armani suit.

Maggie: Wait! Wait!

Ike: Maggie!

Maggie: Go. Go. Go, go.

Ike: Maggie! Maggie! Don't do it! Don't! Maggie!

Ellie: He's running after her.

Fisher: He's in pretty good shape too.

Ike: Maggie! No, Maggie!

Ellie: Where do you think she's going?

Fisher: Wherever it is, she'll be there by 10:30 tomorrow.


1. root for

这个片语的意思是“take sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for支持”,比如:We all rooted for the home team. 我们都支持主场队。

2. There's a lid for every pot.

这是一句俗语,和Every Jack has his Jill. 的意思差不多,就是“每个人都能找到另一半。”

3. heavyweight title 重量级拳击冠军

4. make time

这里的make time意思是“proceed rapidly, move quickly 快点行事”,和hurry up 差不多,意在“弥补浪费掉的事件”,比如:We have to make time if we don't want to miss the first part of the movie. 要是我们不想错过电影的开头,我们就得快点了。

5. hold off

这个片语的意思是“stop or delay from action停止或延后做某事”,比如:Let's hold off until we know more. 我们等到了解更多的时候再继续吧。

6. in good shape

这个片语的意思是“physically fit; also, in a state of readiness 健康状态良好;做好准备”,这里也是一语双关:Ike有能力去追卡车,说明他身体好,并且显然他对Maggie逃婚也有所准备。

这个片语也写作in condition,in good condition,in shape,我们来看个例子:I've got to get in condition before the next road race. 我得为下次公路赛跑做好准备。


文化面面观  拳手Jack Dempsey&Gene Tunney

我观之我见  电影是一部温情喜剧。Maggie不断地从婚礼上逃跑,是因为她不知道自己想要怎样的男人,直到遇到了Ike。


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