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A beautiful mind《美丽心灵》精讲之二
[ 2008-11-20 18:30 ]


文化面面观  影片中Nash以谁能得到金发美女这个博弈导出了自己的理论“纳什均衡”,补充了亚当•斯密博弈理论的缺陷。

考考你 小试牛刀





John: Does anyone else feel she should be moving in slow motion?

Bender: Will she want a large wedding, ya think?

Sol: Shall we say swords, gentlemen? Pistols at dawn?

Hansen: Have you remembered nothing? Recall the lessons of Adam Smith, the father of modern economics.

Sol: "In competition...”

Sol and Neilson: “… individual ambition serves the common good.'' Exactly.

Neilson: Every man for himself, gentlemen.

Bender: And those who strike out are stuck with her friends.

Hansen: I'm not gonna strike out.

Sol: You can lead a blonde to water, but you can't make her drink.

Hansen: I don't think he said that.

Sol: Nobody move. She's looking over here. She's looking at Nash.

Hansen: Oh, God. He mayhave the upper hand now, but wait until he opens his mouth. Remember the last time?

Bender: Oh, yes, that was one for the history books.

John: Adam Smith needs revision.

Hansen: What are you talking about?

John: If we all go for the blonde, we block each other. Not a single one of us is gonna get her. So then we go for her friends, but they will all give us the cold shoulder, because nobody likes to be second choice. Well, what if no one goes for the blonde? We don't get in each other's way, and we don't insult the other girls. That's the only way we win. That's the only way we all get laid. Adam Smith said the best result comes from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself, right? That's what he said, right?

Hansen: Right.

John: Incomplete. Incomplete, okay? Because the best result will come from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself and the group.


1. slow motion

这个词组的意思就是我们在电影中经常看到的“慢动作”,我们来看个例子:The empty car rolled down the hill in slow motion and nobody could do anything to stop it. 这辆空车极其缓慢地从山丘上滑下来,但没有人能阻止住它。

2. strike out

这个动词短语这里的意思是指“(of a person or effort) to fail失败”,比如:His next two business ventures struck out. 他接下来两次贸易投机都失败了。

3. have the upper hand

Upper hand 是指“优势,有利地位,上风”,也写作 whip hand。比如:Once you let Jeff get the upper hand there'll be no stopping him. 一旦你让杰夫得逞,他就没完了。

have the upper hand 作为一个片语的意思是“have power and control over someone or a situation掌控局面,掌管某人”,我们来看个例子:At half time, the Italian team seem to have the upper hand. 前半场意大利队似乎占据优势。

4. cold shoulder

这个片语的意思是“deliberate coldness or disregard, a slight or snub冷遇,冷淡,轻视”,我们来看个例子: When I said hello to her in the library, she gave me the cold shoulder and walked away. 在图书馆我和她打招呼,她反应冷淡、走开了。


文化面面观  影片中Nash以谁能得到金发美女这个博弈导出了自己的理论“纳什均衡”,补充了亚当•斯密博弈理论的缺陷。


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