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A beautiful mind《美丽心灵》精讲之三
[ 2008-11-24 18:09 ]

影片对白  Vow, there's no accounting for taste, is there?


4. black bag

tops secret, confidential.

5. black ops

"Black ops" is shorthand for "black operations," covert or clandestine activities that cannot be linked to the organization that undertakes them. 也就是指“秘密行动”。

6. There's no accounting for taste

翻译成中文,这句话就是“人各有所好”,我们来看个例子:They painted their house purple--there's really no accounting for tastes. 他们把房子刷成了紫色——人真是各有所好呀!


D.H. Lawrence 劳伦斯


A beautiful mind《美丽心灵》精讲之三

Best Known As: Author of Lady Chatterly's Lover

Name at birth: David Herbert Lawrence

D.H. Lawrence was an English novelist, poet and critic, most famous for his novels Sons and Lovers (1913) and Lady Chatterly's Lover (1928). After a brief career as a teacher, Lawrence devoted himself to writing and in 1911 published his first novel, The White Peacock. In 1912 he ran off with Frieda von Richtenhof Weekley, the wife of a Nottingham University professor; after her divorce in 1914, she and Lawrence married and began travelling while he worked on his writing. They travelled through Europe and North America until his death, from tuberculosis, in 1930. Lawrence's novels are known for Oedipal anxieties and sometimes explicit descriptions of sexual relationships, a rarity in literature at the time and shocking to his contemporaries. Lady Chatterly's Lover, probably his best-known work, was considered "obscene" and was banned in the United States and England for three decades. After the 1960's, however, his books became required reading for most university students, and he is still considered an influential figure of 20th century literature. His other works include the novels Women in Love (1921), The Plumed Serpent (1926) and The Rainbow (1915), the play David (1926), poems collected in Birds, Beasts and Flowers (1925) and a book of criticism, Studies in Classic American Literature (1923).



1. 那位好心的老太太愿意收容这个贫得无家可归的陌生人。

2. 你也许不同意她的穿著;但是人各有所好。

3. 如果只有一个人说您是蠢驴,别理会他。如果有两个人都说您是蠢驴的话,赶紧去给自己买个鞍子。

A beautiful mind《美丽心灵》精讲之二 考考你 参考答案

1. 大家总是担心谁会控制原油市场。

There is always worry over who will get the upper hand in the oil markets.

2. 说到下象棋,我的女婿一般都能赢。

When it comes to checkers, my son-in-law generally has the whip hand.

3. 影片的一些部分以慢动作重放。

Parts of the film were shown again in slow motion.

4. 我作为朋友前去和他面谈,但遭到了他的拒绝。

I went up to speak to him as a friend, but he gave me the cold shoulder.

影片对白  Vow, there's no accounting for taste, is there?



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