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A beautiful mind《美丽心灵》精讲之三
[ 2008-11-24 18:09 ]


文化面面观  《查泰莱夫人的情人》和《儿子与情人》是劳伦斯最为著名的两部作品。他自己的人生也丝毫不逊色于他笔下的人物。

考考你 小试牛刀





John: Do I know you?

Marcee: My uncle says you're very smart but not very nice, so I shouldn't pay no mind if you're mean to me.

John: And who might your uncle be?

Charles: The prodigal roommate... returns. Come here. My sister got herself killed in a car crash. Not too far now, Marcee! Her cowboy husband was too drunk to know that he was too drunk to drive. So, I took her in.

John: She's so small.

Charles: Oh, she's young, John. That's how they come. I'm at Harvard, doing the great author's workshop. D.H. Bloody Lawrence.

John: I really do think you should buy yourself a new book.

Charles: Well, I've been reading a lot about you. How are you, John?

John: At first all my work here was trivial, but a new assignment came up and-- I can't really tell you any details.

Charles: Top secret? Black bag? Black ops?

John: Something like that. And, uh...

Charles: Yeah?

John: Well, I-- I met a girl.

Charles: No! A human girl?

John: Homo sapiens.

Charles: A biped?

John: Yup. And contrary to all probabilities, she finds me attractive on a number of different levels.

Charles: Really? God, that's wonderful. Vow, there's no accounting for taste, is there?

John: Should I marry her?

Charles: Oh, God. Right.

John: I mean, everything's going well. The job is fine. I have enough money. It all seems to add up. How do you know for sure?

Charles: Nothing's ever for sure, John. That's the only sure thing I do know.


1. pay no mind

意思是“不要理睬,不理会”,比如:I pay no mind to his insults. 我不理会他的侮辱。电影中的这句话就可以翻译为:So I shouldn't pay no mind if you're mean to me. 所以如果你对不好,我不应计较。

2. take in

这里的意思是“admit, receive as a guest or employee 接纳,接受”,可以引申为“收留,收容”,比如:They offered to take in two of the orphaned children. 他们提出要收留这些孤儿中的两个。

3. That's how they come.



文化面面观  《查泰莱夫人的情人》和《儿子与情人》是劳伦斯最为著名的两部作品。他自己的人生也丝毫不逊色于他笔下的人物。


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