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Nanny diaries 《保姆日记》精讲之三
[ 2009-08-10 10:26 ]




Annie: Oh my God. We have to go right now.

Lynette: Wha... why? Wait a minute.

Annie: The guy I told you about is here.

Lynette: Harvard Hottie?

Annie: Mmm.

Lynette: Which one? Which one, where?

Annie: Yankees cap, blue shirt, blue blood.

Lynette: Mmm. He is gorgeous.

Nanny diaries 《保姆日记》精讲之三

Annie: Yeah, okay, let's go.

Lynette: No no no, are you out of your mind? You kidding me?

Annie: No, I'm out of my league, okay? Let's go.

Lynette: Oops. (Lynette broke things deliberately)

Annie: What the hell are you doing?

Harvard: Oh my God, I know that girl. Annie! Annie!

Lynette: Come on, have a drink with him already.

Annie: I told you, I can't date on the job.

Lynette: Are you gonna use this job as an excuse for everything or what? Say hello to the nice fella.

Annie: Hey.

Harvard: Guys, this is Annie. I don't know your name. I'm sorry.

Lynette: Oh, Lynette. Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you.

Harvard: Some buddies from high school... this is Carter, Jojo, John, Kenny, Reggie.

Harvard’s friend: Hello. Nice to meet you.

Harvard: Sit, grab a chair.

Annie: Oh no, we can't.

Lynette: We'd love to.

Harvard’s friend: So, girls, tell us, how do you know our boy here?

Lynette: Oh, I really don't know him. He's Annie's friend.

Annie: I know him from work.

Harvard’s friend: Oh yeah? What kind of work do you do? Model? Stewardess? Escort?

Harvard: She works for someone in my building.

Harvard’s friend: Oh.

Annie: Actually, I'm a nanny.

Harvard’s friend: A nanny? Dude! You didn't tell us you knew a nanny. That is so porno. Are the moms hot?

Harvard: Guys.

Harvard’s friend: Are you hot for the dads? Are the dads hot for you?

Harvard: Hey, come on.

Annie: You want to know about the dads? I'll tell you about the dads. They're chubby, bald, steakeating, cigarsmoking, type A pigs who get more turned on by the Bloomberg Wire than they do by any hot nannies. Actually, it's all of you in about five years. So take it from me, enjoy tonight, because your future looks pretty fucking bleak.

Lynette: Wait.

Annie: God!


Annie: Stupid stupid.

Telephone: You have two new messages.

Harvard’s voice: Hey, Annie, it's me, the...the big jerk from the bar.

Annie: What?

Harvard’s voice: Listen...in case you're wondering, your friend Lynette gave me your home number.

Annie: Exfriend.

Harvard’s voice: I obviously owe you a major apology. Please just don't judge me by my loser friends. Mmhm. They were pretty hammered. Anyway, I want you to give me an opportunity to redeem myself by taking you out. And I'm warning you, I won't take no for an answer. I know where you live, so I'll camp out at your door if I have to. You really might as well just get this over with. And if you really hate me after that...I'Il...I'll never ask you again. Okay, I'm sorry to ramble. If I don't hear from you, I'll ride the elevator till I find you. Bye.

Annie: I am so screwed.


1. blue blood: 贵族血统,贵族出身的人。Annie的意思是Harvard一看就是出身高贵的人。

2. out of one’s league: 配不上,比不上。league有“才能水平、质量等级”的意思。影片中Annie指她和Harvard Hottie不是同一个社会阶层的人,她配不上他。

You’ll find you’re out of your league if you challenge him to a game—he’s the chess club champion.


3. turn on: (常指在性的方面)刺激,使产生快感。影片中Annie指对Mr.X来说,bloomberg电讯(bloomberg是全球领先的金融专业媒体)比漂亮的保姆更能引起他的性趣。

4. redeem oneself: 使免咎。影片中Harvard希望能通过约会Annie来挽回先前自己的朋友对Annie造成的伤害和对自己形象的破坏。

例如:redeem oneself for one's earlier failure 以行动挽回先前失败的影响 

5. ramble: 漫无边际地闲扯。

She rambled on about her children. 她没完没了地谈她孩子的事。


She rambled out of the room without saying a word.


6. screwed: 酒醉的。在影片中指“晕头转向”。screwed还有“受骗的,上当的”的意思。

例如:He was easily screwed. 他容易受骗。

screw常见于screw up的用法中,意思是“把……弄的一团糟,毁坏,搞乱”。

例如:She had screwed up and had to do it all over again.




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