精彩对白:My Ellie would have loved all these. You know, because of you she had this dream to come down here and live by the fall.
Dessert: 餐后甜点无憾幸福
Dessert is a course that typically comes at the end of a meal, usually consisting of sweet food but sometimes of a strongly-flavored one, such as some cheeses. The word comes from the French language as dessert and this from Old French desservir, "to clear the table" and "to serve." Common desserts include cakes, cookies, fruits, pastries, ice cream, and candies.
The word dessert is most commonly used for this course in U.S., Canada, Australia, and Ireland, while sweet, pudding or afters would be more typical terms in the UK and some other Commonwealth countries, including India. According to Debrett's, pudding is the proper term, dessert is only to be used if the course consists of fruit, and sweet is colloquial. This, of course, reflects the upper-class/upper-middle-class usage. More commonly, the words simply form a class shibboleth; pudding being the upper-class and upper-middle-class word to use for sweet food served after the main course, sweet, afters and dessert being considered non-U. However, dessert is considered slightly better than the other two, owing to many young people, whose parents say pudding, acquiring the word from American media.
Desserts are often eaten with a dessert spoon, intermediate in size between a teaspoon and a tablespoon.
甜点,中西餐谱上通行的英文Dessert乃借自法文,特指正餐之后的那一道甜点,区别于Tea Time的闲食,又作“甜品”而通行于中餐馆,不过那是粤语的说法。
意大利甜点的独步天下,可能与意大利人对于“甜”的特殊理解有关。常见于乐谱的意大利文Dolce,往往在“甜”的主旋律之下提示着某种“甜美”和“忧伤”的风格,为其他语种所不具备。不过,甜蜜的悲伤一旦滥觞起来,很容易聚合为密度大到令人窒息的妖艳以及腐朽,正是费里尼《甜蜜生活》(La Dolce Vita/1960,这一年,威尼斯人发明了提拉米苏)的基调。
若以面粉为主食的西餐总是由以蛋糕为主的甜点引领至天堂,那么面归面,米归米,粒食为本的中餐就应该善终以米。因此,我认为江浙一带家庭自制的甜酒酿最能表现“天下无不散”的复杂心情。它洁净而不事铺张,月白风清之间最多也只许有少量的鹅黄桂花飘浮,用青花小碗盛着,甜酸里交织着酒的迷离,米的甘饴,酵的沉缅以及冰的清醒。如果“悲欣交集”让你觉得过火而且唐突了弘一上人,在心里说一声“天凉好个秋”总该是恰如其分了罢。(Source: sohu.com)
1. 只要我把这个生物带回去,就可以挽回我的名声。
2. 时间过得真快。
3. 我给了它一些巧克力,它高兴得要发疯了。
4. 我等不及看它的下场。
Up 《飞屋环游记》精讲之四参考答案
1. At this rate we will never get to the falls!
2. If you two don't clear out of here by the time I count to three...
3. But Phyllis told me I bug him too much.
4. Cross your heart?
精彩对白: My Ellie would have loved all these. You know, because of you she had this dream to come down here and live by the fall.
(英语点津 Julie编辑)