Muntz: Does anybody know where they are? Raid leaders! Take down that house!
Dogs: Raid leader! Checking in! Raid two, checking in. Raid three, checking in. Target sighted.
Mr. Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin.
Dug: Hi.
Muntz: Any last words, Fredricksen? Come on, spit it out!
Mr. Fredricksen Come on!
Muntz: Enough! You cannot leave this place alive! You're dead!
Mr. Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin.
Alfa: I'll have plenty of enjoyment for what I'm about to do to you.
Dogs: He wears the cone of shame!
Alfa: Not just continue sitting! Attack! No! No! Stop your laughing!

Dug: Listen, you, dog, sit!
Dogs: Yes, Alfa.
Dug: Alfa? I am not Alfa, he is...
Russell: Oh! I can't do it.
Mr. Fredricksen: Russell...Run! Russell...Run!
Russell: You leave mr. Fredricksen alone! Hey! Squirrel!
Dogs: Squrrel? Where? I hate squirrels!
Mr. Fredricksen: Dug!
Dug: Master!
Mr. Fredricksen: Russell, over here! Let's go!
Russell: Mr. Fredricksen!
Mr. Fredricksen: Come on, Kevin. No! Russell, get out of there! Leave them alone! Russell, hang on to Kevin! Don't let go! Grab on to him! Kevin! Cihcolate!
Russell: That was cool! Don't jerk around so much, kid. Easy, Russell.
Dug: Oh, I am ready to not be up high.
Russell: Sorry about your house, Mr. Fredricksen.
Mr. Fredricksen: You know... It's just a house.
妙语佳句 活学活用
1. raid: 突袭,搜捕。
例如:The raid was purely retaliatory.(这次袭击完全是报复性的。)
我们一般用air raid来表示“空袭”,而air raid warden就是指“空袭执行长”,对某人发动袭击,就是make a raid on。
2. take down that house: 把那座屋子击落。
Take down一般用来表示“拆卸”,例如城管常让小贩take down the booth(拆除摊位)。
而bring down the house则表示“博得满堂喝彩”,这种说法起源于剧院,从17世纪开始流行起来。很长一段时间以来,剧院里的演员把观众和剧院统称为 “house”。当一个演员获得了极大的成功时,全场观众都会为她鼓掌、雷鸣般的喝彩简直可以把剧院给震塌。于是,人们就用“to bring down the house”来形容轰动全场的演出或表演。
3. check in: 登记,报到。
例如:How many delegates have checked in? (已经有多少位代表报道了?)
在机场,人们常用check in表示“登记”。机场的check-in serve就是指“登机服务”。在旅馆,check in和check out分别表示“入住登记”和“退房”。
4. Target sighted: 目标已发现。
这是两军交战时常用的一句话。例如:Target sighted! Close and fire!(目标已发现,接近并开火!)
5. last words: 临终遗言。
6. spit it out:请说吧。
7. cone: 圆锥体,锥形物。
Dug给Alfa戴上了cone of shame,就是狗群里的“耻辱之圈”,所以狗群都不听Alfa指挥了。
8. hang on to: 紧紧握住。
此外,hang on to还可以表示“依靠,指望”,例如:Nothing was left for him to hang on to.(他已经没有什么东西可以指靠的了。)