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Ron: I can't help it if she's got her knickers in a twist. What Lav and I have, well, let's just say, there's no stopping it. It's chemical.
Harry: Will it last?
Ron: Who knows? Point is I'm a free agent.
Hermione: He's at perfect liberty to kiss whomever he likes. I really couldn't care less. Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I had to make other arrangements.
Harry: Have you?
Hermione: Yes. Why?
Harry: Well, I just thought seeing is not the risk at going with who we'd really like to, We should go together, as friends.
Hermione: Why didn't I think of that?
Harry: Who are you going with?
Hermione:Um, it's a surprise. Anyways, you have got to worry about. You can't take anyone. You see that girl over there? That's Romilda Vane. Harry, she's been been trying to smuggle you a love potion.
Harry: Really?

Hermione: Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One.
Harry: But I am the Chosen One. Okay, sorry, um...Kidding. I'll ask someone I like. Someone cool.
Luna: I've never been to this part of the castle. At least, not while awake. I sleep-walk, you see. That's why I wear shoes to bed.
Draco Malfoy: Harmonia nictere passus.(Repeat)
Neville: Drink?
Harry: Neville. I didn't get into the Slug Club.
Neville: It's okay, though. He's got Melvin hanging up towels in the looroom.
Harry: I'm... I'm fine, mate. Thanks. Okay. Hermione, what are you doing? What happened to you?
Hermione: No, I've just escaped. I mean, I left Cormac under the mistletoe.
Harry: Cormac? That's who you invited?
Hermione: I thought it would annoy Ron the most. Thank you very much. We will catch up with you. He's got more tentacles than a Snargaluff plant.
Waiter: Dragon tails?
Hermione: No, I'm fine, thank you.
Waiter: Just this one. They give one horribly bad breath.
Hermione: On second thoughts, it might keep Cormac away. God, here he comes.
Harry: I think she just went to paddle her nose.
Cormac: She's a little minx, your friend. Nice to work. How nasty isn't she? What is this I'm eating, by the way?
Harry: Dragon balls.
Severus: You've just brought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen. Not so quick, Potter.
Harry: Sir, I really think I should rejoin the party. My date...
Severus: Can surely survive your absence for another minute or two. Besides, I only wish to convey a message.
Harry: Message?
Severus: From Professor Dumbledore. He asked me to give you his best and he hopes you enjoy your holidays. He... He's travelling. And he won't return until term resumes.
Harry: Travelling where?
Draco Malfoy: Get your hands off me, you filthy Squibb.
Man: Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party.
Draco Malfoy: Okay, okay, I was gate-crashing. Happy?
Severus: I'll escort him out.
Draco Malfoy: Certainly, Professor.
Slughorn: Alright, everyone carry on, carry on.
妙语佳句 活学活用
1. get knickers in a twist:惊慌,恼火。非正式用语。罗恩觉得赫敏因为他和别人亲热而发火是自己和自己赌气。
Twist在此处表示面对困境时的烦闷,慌乱。例如: I promise I won't spend more than a hundred pounds in the sales so don't get your knickers in a twist. 我答应去逛贱卖场时花费不会超出100英镑,因此你不必神经兮兮地唠叨个不停。
2. free agent: 自由人,自由球员。
3. at liberty: 自由,不受限制或支配。
此处at perfect liberty是指“完全有自由”。例如:You are at liberty to use my bicycle.(我的自行车你可以随便用。)
4. cannot care less: 完全不在乎。
类似的用法还有:I couldn't agree more.=I totally agree.(我完全同意) I couldn't please you more.=I did my best to please you.(我尽量使你高兴) I couldn't be more right.=I am totally right.
5. given the circumstances:鉴于这种情况。
例如:Given the circumstances, you've done well.(鉴于这种情况,你已经做的不错了。)
6. love potion: 春药,媚药。
7. Chosen One: 救世之星,救世者。
8. sleep-walk: 梦游。例如:Some children who sleepwalk are also affected by night terrors.(一些梦游症儿童同时患有夜惊。)
9. bad breath: 难闻的气味,口臭。
例如:He is fairly good looking but his bad breath turns me off him.(他长得相当帅,可是他嘴里的口臭使我对他失去了兴趣。)
10.on second thoughts: 进一步考虑后。
例如:On second thoughts , I will accept the offer.(经再三考虑,我将接受这个报价。)
例如:She can be a proper little minx when she wants to get her own way!(她有时为所欲为, 要发起坏来可真是个十足的小坏蛋!)
12.gate-crash: 擅自入场,闯入。
例如:They couldn’t get any tickets for the volleyball game, so they tried to crash the gate.(他们没有弄到一张排球赛的票,因此试图闯入场内。)