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Bride Wars《结婚大作战》精讲之二
[ 2009-12-02 10:15 ]

精彩对白:You know what I will tell you? I have never met a more obnoxious, complicated, overbearing,...gorgeous, smart, sexy woman in my life. And-if you had just waited until tonight-then you wouldn't be the woman I fell in love with...because she doesn't know how to wait.

Engagement ring

Bride Wars《结婚大作战》精讲之二

In Western tradition, an engagement ring is a ring worn by a person indicating his or her engagement to be married. Conventionally, the ring is presented as a betrothal gift by a man or woman to his or her prospective spouse while he or she proposes marriage or directly after he or she accepts his marriage proposal. It represents a formal agreement to future marriage.

In some countries, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, it is worn on the left-hand ring finger, while in other countries, such as Poland and Ukraine, it is customary for the ring to be worn on the right-hand. Similar traditions purportedly date to classical times, dating back from an early usage reportedly referring to the fourth finger of the left hand as containing the vena amoris or "vein of love".

In the United States and Canada today it is becoming more common, but still rare, that a woman will also buy her partner an engagement ring at the time of the engagement. These may be called male engagement rings or man-gagement rings, which is a portmanteau of "man" and "engagement ring". This practice is more common in other countries.

Before agreeing to marry, a couple may choose to buy and wear pre-engagement rings, also called promise rings. After marrying, the couple may wear both engagement rings and wedding rings, or just their wedding rings, as they prefer.

The tradition in many cultures has been that the future groom privately select and purchase a ring, to be presented to his desired bride when he proposes. More recently, some couples have chosen to select an engagement ring together. In countries where both partners wear engagement rings, the matching rings may be selected and purchased together.


1. 当她听到升迁的机会时,她决定冒险一试。

2. 严格按照法律条文来讲,他是违约了。

3. 她一想到他们就厌恶。

4. 这套西装式样时髦。

Bride Wars《结婚大作战》精讲之一 参考答案

1. He cracked under torture.

2. The city is a jungle where no one is safe after dark.

3. The mortality rate was way down.

4. I'm trying to put you through.

5. It never occurred to me for a moment that you meant that.

精彩对白:You know what I will tell you? I have never met a more obnoxious, complicated, overbearing,...gorgeous, smart, sexy woman in my life. And-if you had just waited until tonight-then you wouldn't be the woman I fell in love with...because she doesn't know how to wait.




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