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Knowing 《先知》精讲之五
[ 2009-12-24 08:38 ]

Solar flare 太阳耀斑



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Koestler: Everybody wait here.

Diana: John! John! John, please, why are we back here? John, please, what are you doing? We have to get to the caves.

Koestler: We're not going to the caves.

Diana: What?

Koestler: She knew the coordinates for this last event. She tried to write them down. The teacher said she was interrupted, ran out of time, so she scratched them into this door. She tried to tell us where to go.

Diana: You're not making any sense. Look at you. Look at what you're doing!

Koestler: The numbers are the key to everything.

Diana: Please! Please, John, we need to leave! We're taking my car. Come on. Let's go. Keep your bags with you. Be here, please, be here. Throw it in the back.

Caleb: What about Dad? 

Diana: He's just gotta finish what he's doing. He's gonna follow us. We're just getting a head start, okay?

Koestler: Diana? Caleb!

Abby: Where are we going, Mom? Are we hiding from the whisper people?

Diana: Yes, baby. They won't find us where we're going.

Abby: Mom, they know where we are.

Knowing 《先知》精讲之五

Diana: How do you know that?

Abby: They told us so.

Diana: You've seen them again?

Abby: No. They just talk to us.

Diana: How, Abby? How do they talk to you?

Abby: They whisper into our heads.

Diana: Oh, God. Oh, God.

Caleb: I want to call my dad.

Diana: The phones are down! I promise he's right behind us! We'll call him when we get there! Wait right here!

Woman on TV: Now let's get back to the financial markets, if we may, for a moment. Let's check it out on the grid here this morning. We've got Treasuries moving up...

Man: Yeah, thanks. Thanks, man.

Diana: Number five.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. run out of time: 时间不够了,没有时间了。

例如:I had intended to make a cake, but I ran out of time.(我原想做个蛋糕, 但没有时间。)

此外,out of time单独使用还可以表示“不合时宜”。

2. scratch:乱涂,刮出痕迹。

例如:Somebody has scratched his name off the list.(有人已经把他的名字从名单上划去了。)


scratch the surface:杯水车薪;隔靴搔痒

The famine is so bad, aid can only scratch the surface.(饥荒十分严重, 援助也只是杯水车薪。)

scratch your head:苦思冥想;绞尽脑汁

A lot of people must be scratching their heads and trying to figure out what happened.(一定有很多人在绞尽脑汁地思考知道到底发生了什么。)

you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours:礼尚往来;私相授受

I do have some information you might be interested in, but what can you offer me in return? You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.(我确实知道一些你感兴趣的消息,但如果我告诉了你,你会告诉我什么呢?如果我告诉了你,你也要告诉我一些消息。)

3. make sense:有意义,言之有理。

例如:This deal clearly makes sense in the long term.(从长远看这项协议很有意义。)而“这件事没有任何意义”就是It doesn’t make any sense.

4. head start:领先,起步前的优势。

戴安娜在这里的意思是“我们只是先走一步。” A good education gives your child a head start in life.(良好的教育使你的孩子在生活中占据先机。)

5. whisper people:轻语者。


6. down: 停机;停止运行。

例如:The computer is down.(电脑坏掉了。)

7. grid:格子,坐标方格。

此外,grid还可以表示“电网,系统网络”。而the starting grid则是指“赛车起跑线”。

8. Treasuries:国库券,政府债券。

而单数的Treasury则是指“国库、财政部”。例如:The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals.(财政部原则上反对这些提议。)

Solar flare 太阳耀斑


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