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US Olympic Alternates Prepare, Hope for Opportunity

[ 2012-08-03 10:44]     字号 [] [] []  
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While Dacota Earnest, an 18-year-old from Texas, did not fulfill her Olympic dream, she still made it to London. She and Logan Dooley were selected as back-ups for the US Olympic team's trampoline gymnasts, Savanah Vinsant and Steven Gluckstein, in the off chance they cannot compete.

“It's a little disappointing and sad at moments, but then again, I am here to support Savannah and it's an awesome experience and I'll be looking forward to 2016,” said Earnest.

Logan Dooley is from California, and at age 24 is in the prime of his athletic career, He also was an alternate in the 2008 Beijing Olympic games. He said the disappointment is perhaps greater the second time around.

“It is a difficult position to be in, especially since I lost out both times by very slim margins. But you know the experience, I can only look at it as positive and take it as what it is,so.” said Dooley.

Both say they try to stay positive and are rooting for the starters to do well in this sport, which has been dominated by China, Japan and Canada since it debuted at the 2000 Olympics. But Earnest's coach, Sherry Mulkey, said it is a great challenge to keep alternate Olympic athletes motivated when they know they will not likely get to compete.

“It's really hard keeping her spirits up and Logan's too, trying to be part of both of them and keeping them excited and thinking about the possibility. You've got to be ready no matter what, but yet... ” said Mulkey.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, Logan and Earnest will not compete in the London Olympics. But they will always know that they almost made the team - and perhaps next time their hard work will pay off.

back-up: 后备人员,后补人员,替补者

trampoline: 蹦床,弹床(体操器械)

gymnast: 体操运动员

off chance: 极小的可能性

rooting for the starters: root for sb/sth, 给某人(某事物)打气;全力支持某人(某事物)

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(来源:VOA 编辑:实习生朱眉霖)





