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《唐顿庄园》精讲五 Mary的婚事

[ 2013-03-13 15:17] 来源:中国日报网     字号 [] [] []  
免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009

本集剧情:伦敦传来了对Mary名声不利的传言,伯爵夫人希望Mary可以尽快嫁给Matthew。Lady Sybil去了镇上,但是途中马车坏了。镇上举行了花卉展,老伯爵遗孀最后时刻高风亮节终于让冠军名至实归。Thomas偷酒被Bates撞破,他和O'brien联合起来陷害Bates,却被Anna识破,差点自己遭殃。Anna向Bates表白,Bates喜欢Anna却好像有难言之隐。厨娘Patmore太太的眼睛出了问题。思想激进的爱尔兰司机Branson来到庄园服务,和热爱参与女权运动的三小姐Sybil关系升温。

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Robert: Busy?

Cora: I'm just trying to sort out the wretched flower show.

Robert: I've had a letter from Rosamond.

Cora: Don't tell me: she wants saddle of lamb and all the fruit and vegetables we can muster.

Robert: She enjoys a taste of her old home.

Cora: She enjoys not paying for food.

Robert: There's something else. Apparently, the word is going round London that Evelyn Napier has given up any thought of Mary. That he's going to marry one of the Semphill girls. She writes as if, somehow, it reflects badly on Mary.

Cora: Your dear sister is always such a harbinger of joy.

Robert: No...as if...as if Mary had somehow been found wanting in her character.

Cora: Well, I don't believe Mr Napier would have said that.

Robert: Neither do I, really, but -

Cora: She ought to be married. Talk to her.

Robert: She never listens to me. If she did, she'd marry Matthew.

Cora: What about Anthony Strallan?

Robert: Anthony Strallan is at least my age and as dull as paint. I doubt she'd want to sit next to him at dinner, let alone marry him.

Cora: She has to marry someone, Robert. And if this is what's being said in London, she has to marry soon.

wretched: (用于表示烦恼)讨厌的


give up any thought of Mary: 放弃追求玛丽

harbinger:(尤指不祥的)先兆,预兆,例如:The cuckoo is a harbinger of spring.(布谷鸟预告春天的来临。)

be found wanting: 被发现不合格

as dull as paint: 乏味无趣,相反的说法有:as fresh as paint(精神饱满的)

(中国日报网英语点津 Julie)





