BBC Learning English 英语教学

400-year-old Greenland Shark 400岁的格陵兰鲨鱼

400-year-old Greenland Shark 400岁的格陵兰鲨鱼


科学家们说,格陵兰鲨是地球已知寿命最长的脊椎动物。一个科研小组利用现代技术对鲨鱼的年龄进行了估算。该小组对 28条鲨鱼进行了研究,其中多数鲨鱼因误入渔民的渔网在被发现时已经死去。请听 BBC Rebecca Morelle 的报道。

Huge, yet extremely slow moving, Greenland sharks are found in the cold, deep waters of the North Atlantic. And this latest research suggests they possess remarkable longevity.

The scientists use the technique of carbon dating to determine the age of sharks that have become caught up in fishing nets. They estimated that a five-meter-long female was most likely about 400 years old.

The team also found that the sharks grow at just one centimetre a year and reach sexual maturity at about the age of 150.


possess 拥有,具有
remarkable 惊人的,非凡的
longevity 长寿
technique 技术
carbon dating 碳定年法
determine 得出,确认
caught up 被缠住,被抓住
estimated 估计,估算
centimetre 厘米
sexual maturity 性成熟期



1. The Greenland sharks are found in which ocean?

2. True or false? The scientists used x-rays to work out the sharks’ age.

3. According to text, how long do the sharks grow each year?

4. Which word in the text means ‘living for a long time’?


1. The Greenland sharks are found in which ocean?
North Atlantic.

2. True or false? The scientists used x-rays to work out the sharks’ age.
It’s false. The scientists used carbon dating to estimate the age of the sharks.

3. According to text, how long do the sharks grow each year?
The sharks grow very slowly at about 1 centimetre a year.

4. Which word in the text means ‘living for a long time’?


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