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上海双年展 中的英国作品《浪》

[ 2010-11-23 15:10]     字号 [] [] []  
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在10月23日开幕的2010年上海双年展中,著名英国当代艺术家艾萨克•朱利安Issac Julien将在英国总领事馆文化教育处的支持下,为中国观众带来他的最新影像作品《浪(ten thousands waves)》,这部以中国为主题的作品由朱利安构思三年之久,在《浪》的拍摄过程中,朱利安与一些中国优秀艺术家进行合作,包括著名演员张曼玉、赵涛、诗人王屏, 书法家巩法根、艺术家杨福东、摄影指导赵晓时以及上百位优秀的中方演职人员。

继2010年在香格纳画廊的中国首映之后,这一作品将参加2010年上海双年展,并在上海美术馆持续展出至2011年1月23日。在开幕当天,电子音乐组合CHoP还 将与Issac Julien合作,为这个作品献上一段50分钟的即兴音乐表演。

 上海双年展 中的英国作品《浪》



朱利安的作品被世界诸多著名美术馆广泛收藏,其中包括英国泰特美术馆、纽约现代艺术馆、巴黎蓬皮杜中心、以及纽约古根海姆美术馆。作品曾获1991年的戛纳电影界国际影评人周的最佳影片奖。2001年被英国最重要的艺术大奖特纳奖(Turner Prize)提名。同一年,他还获得美国Eugene McDermott艺术奖,同时获奖的艺术家还有比尔•维奥拉(Bill Viola)。

2008年,他与蒂尔达•斯文顿(Tilda Swinton)合作的反映英国天才导演德里克•贾曼(Derek Jarman)生平的纪录片《贾曼》(Derek)参加了美国的圣丹斯电影节,此片获得当年柏林电影节泰迪熊奖(Teddy Award)、第34界西雅图国际电影节纪录片奖以及米兰国际同性恋电影节的最佳纪录片奖,同时获得了英国独立电影奖、圣丹斯电影节、以及Gucci集团奖等提名。


TEN THOUSAND WAVES, the new video installation by Issac Julien, will be showed the upcoming Shanghai Biennale with the support from the British Council. Conceived and made over three years, TEN THOUSAND WAVES sees Julien collaborating with some of China’s leading artistic voices, including: the legendary siren of Chinese cinema Maggie Cheung; rising star of Chinese film Zhao Tao; poet Wang Ping; master calligrapher Gong Fagen; artist Yang Fudong; acclaimed cinematographer Zhao Xiaoshi; and a 100-strong Chinese cast and crew. It will be showed in Shanghai Art Museum from 23rd Oct 2010 until 24th Jan 2011.

The British Council is also inviting Issac Julien to be in Hangzhou on 24th Oct to talk about 'Electric Shadows: the making and un-making of Ten Thousand Waves and Better Life' .

About Issac Julien:

Issac Julien is a British artist and filmmaker whose work incorporates different artistic disciplines, drawing from and commenting on film, dance, photography, music, theatre, painting and sculpture, and uniting them to create a unique poetic visual language in audio visual film installations. Isaac Julien lives and works in London.

Julien is represented in museum and private collections throughout the world, including the Tate, London; the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Centre Pompidou, Paris; the Guggenheim Museum, New York; the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; and the Brandhorst Museum, Munich. His early work, Looking for Langston (1989) won several awards including the Teddy Award at the Berlin International Film Festival. In 1991 his debut feature film, Young Soul Rebels won the Semaine de la Critique prize at the Cannes Film Festival. Julien was nominated for the Turner Prize in 2001 for his films The Long Road to Mazatlán (1999) and Vagabondia (2000). In the same year, he received the Eugene McDermott Award from MIT in Massachusetts, USA: other recipients include artist Bill Viola. His acclaimed 5-screen installation, WESTERN UNION: small boats (2007) has been shown at Metro Pictures, New York; Galería Helga de Alvear, Madrid; Centre for Contemporary Arts, Warsaw; and also opened the new Museum Brandhorst in Munich in 2009.

In 2008, Julien collaborated with Tilda Swinton on a biopic about Derek Jarman simply entitled Derek, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival the same year. The film received a Special Teddy at the Berlin Film Festival; the Documentary Prize at the 34th Seattle International Film Festival and Best Documentary at the Milan International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. The film received nominations at the British Independent Film Awards; the Sundance Film Festival; and the Gucci Group Awards.







