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时间 | 地点 | 内容 |
2013年09月13日20:00-20:30 |
南京最繁华处某特色街区(具体地点在活动日前发布) |
乍现影院/参与式剧场直播 |
2013年09月14日13:30 |
艾米1895电影街(白下区汉中路1号南京国际金融中心5楼) |
艺术家分享会 |
参与方式:免费参加。参与式剧场需事先注册报名,详情请见: http://wearecircumstance.com/nan.html
活动厦门及香港站精彩剪辑: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTkwNTY5Nzc2.html
Subtlemob: As if it were the last time– Mass- Participatory Theatre and Artist Talk (Nanjing)
Organised by: the British Council, 1912
Event and Venue:
Time | Venue | Event |
20:00-20:30, 13 September 2013 |
a trendy complex along Jialing River |
subtlemob/live broadcast of mass-participatory theatre |
13:30, 14 September 2013 |
IVIMOVIE1895 (5/F Nanjing IFC, 1 Hanzhong Rd, Baixia District) |
artist talk |
To participate:
Free to join. Please follow the link below to register for the live broadcast of mass-participatory theatre:http://wearecircumstance.com/naneng.html
Highlights from ‘as if it were the last time’ in Xiamen and Hong Kong:http://wearecircumstance.com/naneng.html
Flashmob has been here and there for quite a while. But do you have any idea about ‘subtlemob’? It is a never-rehearsed performance taking place quietly in public area.
It is a mysterious show for encounter with strangers and exploration of the city. It is a theatre you can participate in and experience.
In an early-autumn day of nostalgic Nanjing, here comes the quite performance of subtlemob. Within this show, you are the audience and the performer at the same time. You are invited to be on the centre stage of ‘As If It Were the Last Time’, a subtlemob.
Modern devices and apps seem to make communication today super-convenient. But perhaps they have also made you feel unrealistic and more distanced from people. While listening to the in-ear stories specially made by the directors, you will find neon lights on the street illuminating the stage for you.
If there is someone you become distant with, someone on your mind, someone you want to hold hands with, someone you want to watch a film with…That is the one you should invite now to join you for ‘As If It Were the Last Time’.
Click the link and register for the event! You’ll receive more details and instructions through email. On the day, you need to play the audio files in your own MP3 player. By listening to the narratives and following the instructions, you will become one of the characters in this play. Boundary of acting and observing vanishes in the 30-minute show. You are a cool-headed observer at one moment, and become an active character at the next. Being part of the story, you will be able to look at and interact with the world from a completely new and different angle.
‘Capricious and profound, the experience definitely captures what it is to escape from the world for a little bit, then return and find that you see things just a bit differently.’ –The Londonist
‘It was one of the most intense experiences I’ve ever had in London. I’ve seen performances in lots of London theatres, some big, some in the back room of pubs, but ‘As If It Were The Last Time’ was the most personal, moving and bewitching ‘show’ I’ve witnessed. Truly magical.’ –Terence Eden
circumstance is an international artists collective. They draw on backgrounds in contemporary performance, theatre, interactive design, music composition, wearable electronics, locative and pervasive media.
circumstance create cinematic experiences in unexpected locations. These experiences take many forms, from mass participation performances and intimate in-ear stories, to books, installations and workshops. They take melancholy and romance and wrap it up in the politics of mobile technology and public space.
circumstance is currently Duncan Speakman, Sarah Anderson and Emilie Grenier. They are known for the creation of the ‘subtlemob’ form of performance and their application of mobile electronics in public space. Their projects consistently address the social, political and emotional impacts of the technologies used, while working with the narrative of experience.
(来源:英国使馆文化教育处,编辑 Helen)
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