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Rockarchive: 英国摇滚五十年摄影展

[ 2012-05-08 16:27]     字号 [] [] []  
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Rockarchive: 英国摇滚五十年摄影展


时间:5月9日 至 20日(开放时间:09:30 - 17:00)   地点:成都东区音乐公园 (中央大道南侧,西大门前行280米右转,活态斜对面)


时间:5月26日 至 6月3日地点:北京亮点设计中心





英伦摇滚控,摄影控们,一场纯粹的关于英伦摇滚音乐家艺术家的摄影盛宴将于5月9日在成都东区音乐公园拉开帷幕,如果你是Blur, Arctic Monkeys, Florence and the Machine, PJ Harvey, Radiohead等超级乐队的铁杆粉丝,你绝对不能错过“艺述英国”艺术节举办的“Rockarchive: 英国摇滚五十年摄影展”。

在过去的半个世纪里,摇滚乐的世界中很多最为知名的团体和个人都是来自英国。披头士、滚石乐队、齐柏林飞船乐队、大卫•鲍伊、艾尔顿•约翰、绿洲乐队、酷玩乐队、阿黛尔……这个名单可以一直列下去。英国对于摇滚乐的类型也有着同样的影响力:六十年代的Beat Music,七十年代的华丽摇滚、激进摇滚、朋克和新浪潮, 八十年代的新浪漫、电子流行、哥特摇滚,九十年代的独立摇滚和英式摇滚等等。

前马格南摄影师英国人Jill Furmanovsky在数字革命的启发下,在1998年注册了一个叫rockarchive.com的网站,让更多人的粉丝能接触到她和其他拍摄摇滚明星的摄影师及视觉艺术家的作品。



Rockarchive - 50 years of British Rock

Time:26 May to 3 June 2012 Venue:Liangdian Design Center (LDDC)

The UK has produced many of the most successful groups and performers in international rock music over the last half-century. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie, Elton John, Oasis, Coldplay, Adele… the list is endless. Its genres of rock have been equally influential: Beat Music in the 60s; Glam, Progressive Rock, Punk and New Wave in the 70s; New Romantic, Synthpop and Goth in the 80s; Indie and Britpop in the 90s; etc.

Alongside have been the photographers. It has been this small army of creative lensmen and women who have supplied the images that make up the rock package – image being as important as the music in many cases. Whether they be captured on stage, or taken formally in a studio with nothing left to chance, or snapped naturally in an unguarded moment, many of these photographs have become iconic.

The selection here is not supposed to be a comprehensive history of British rock imagery. It is a personal selection and omits many well-known artists. But at the same time I hope it gives a reasonable spread across five decades of talent and creativity, of both the photographers and their subjects.

Rockarchive was founded in 1998 by photographer Jill Furmanovsky. The idea was to make unseen work from her own archive and that of her colleagues more accessible to fans and collectors of photography. It has proven to be a thriving success. Jill has won many awards for her music photography including The Jane Brown Observer Portrait Award for her classic Charlie Watts portrait in 1992. In 1998 she was honoured with the accolade 'Woman of the Year for Music and Related Industries'.

The Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in China would like to thank Jill Furmanovsky, Jane Ripley and Tracey Kraft of Rockarchive; all the photographers; and Shanghai Automobile Industry Company for its support in producing and touring this exhibition in China. Curated by David Elliott, First Secretary (Arts), Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy, Beijing This exhibition is touring Chengdu, Guangzhou and Changsha as part of the UK Now festival of British arts, April to November 2012.

(来源:英国使馆文化教育处, 编辑:Helen)







