2013年,在中国广州和英国伯明翰,两座城市的新图书馆先后对外开放,广州图书馆与伯明翰中心图书馆也由此缔结了合作关系。Andrew Lacon和Stuart Whipps,两位来自英国的摄影艺术家,对这两座图书馆之间的故事产生了兴趣,并来到了广州。在两位艺术家到达广州之前,他们就已在英国的工作室创作了一系列的黑白照片,这些照片利用伯明翰中心图书馆的建筑材料——混凝土和胶合板,按比例呈现了广州图书馆外墙砖块的形态。
地点:广州图书馆北楼八层多元文化馆 (无需报名,免费参观)
A Conversation with Birmingham at the Library
Hosted by the Guangzhou Library and the Library of Birmingham
In Partnership with the British Council and Grain Photography
Andrew Lacon and Stuart Whipps are interested in the relationship between the new libraries of Guangzhou, China and Birmingham, UK. Both cities have recently built iconic new libraries and have an official memorandum of understanding. Before their arrival in Guangzhou, Lacon and Whipps made a series of black and white photographs in their studio in the UK. These photographs depict bricks that conform to the ratio of the block work of the Guangzhou library exterior and use the materials, concrete and plywood, utilized in the construction of Birmingham Central Library. The photographs are an attempt to understand the structure and form of Guangzhou library from afar.
During their time in Guangzhou they will be making and exhibiting new work in the library. These works will be introduced to the existing works on display within the space, creating an almost collage of their time and working process whilst in Guangzhou.
Changing British & Chinese Libraries Through the Lens of British Photographers
Date: 25 November 2014 – 25 February 2015 (free entry)
Venue: Multi-culture Library (8th Floor, North), Guangzhou Library
(来源:英国使馆文化教育处,编辑 Helen)