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Foreigners share views of city through photos

[ 2010-11-29 13:00]     字号 [] [] []  
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As part of its drive to become a world city, Beijing has been studying itself, but the latest bout of introspection comes through the eyes of foreigners in a photo exhibition entitled Impressions of Beijing.

The photos are drawn from an annual event that began in 1999. Each year, 10 foreign photographers are invited to take pictures that sum up the city in their eyes.

This year, from a collection of more than 100,000 photos taken during the 11 years, the exhibition organizers have picked 70 to display in the capital's busiest shopping malls. The show will travel to the EC Mall, Glory Mall and Sogo and be seen for free until Dec 2.

Hopefully, after viewing the pictures, Beijingers will look at their city from a different perspective, said Wang Hui, director of the information office of the Beijing Municipal Government.

Grouped together in categories such as ancient capital, international city and Beijing culture, the photos offer images of the city's historical sites, its familiar landmark buildings and its business centers from angles that are often thought-provoking.

China's True Heroes, for example, a photo taken by German Frank Palmer, shows four construction workers standing atop the China World Trade Center with calm and shy smiles. "It is an image that reminds those who see it of the contributions made by construction workers to the giant city," Palmer said.

In addition to taking photos that are significant, photographers have also attempted to take ones that capture change.

"Beijing has changed a lot over time," said Philippe Bourgeois, a Paris-based French photographer. "It has become clean, modern and well-organized, especially after the Olympics."

Bourgeois has been a frequent traveler between China and France since he paid his first visit to the country in 2005, when he held his debut exhibition in Shanghai.

As a professional photographer who has worked for the city of Paris for many years, Bourgeois said it is exciting to step out of a city he knows very well into one that offers him some fresh passion.

Of the two photos by Bourgeois exhibited this time, one is a snow scene taken outside the Forbidden City and the other shows a model posing in front of a London taxi during the biennial Auto China exhibition.

He said the photos capture his complex feelings about the city. "Beijing is very symbolic. It's very important for the city to show a developed part of China," he said. "But I am worried that old things in the city are disappearing."

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)

Foreigners share views of city through photos

About the broadcaster:

Foreigners share views of city through photos

Nelly Min is an editor at China Daily with more than 10 years of experience as a newspaper editor and photographer. She has worked at major newspapers in the U.S., including the Los Angeles Times and the Detroit Free Press. She is also fluent in Korean.





