The year's best pictures from the world of medicine
[ 2009-10-21 11:41 ]
Wellcome Images is part of the Wellcome Trust, a charity that funds health research. For ten years it has awarded prizesfor pictures that creatively explore the fields of medicine, social history, healthcare and biology. These are the 19 winners for 2009.
据英国《新科学家杂志》报道,英国维康信托(Wellcome Trust)基金会下属机构维康图片在过去十年间对创造性地探索医学、社会历史、卫生保健和生物学领域的优秀摄影作品进行了评选和颁奖。日前,该机构公布了获得2009年度医学摄影奖的19幅摄影作品:
1 天堂鸟花种子
这是天堂鸟花(学名“Strelitzia reginae”)种子的扫描电子显微照片。这种植物是南非所特有的,它长着非常独特的橙色和蓝色花朵。据了解,摄影师安妮-卡瓦纳(Annie Cavanagh)最初买来天堂鸟花种子是用来研究水彩画颜料,但戴夫-麦卡锡(Dave McCarthy)用扫描电子显微镜对其进行观察,并拍摄下这张美丽的照片。
Scanning electron micrograph of a seed from a bird-of-paradise flower (Strelitzia reginae). This plant is native to South Africa and has a distinctive orange and blue flower, which resembles an exotic bird. The seed was originally bought to become the study of a watercolour painting by Annie Cavanagh, but Dave McCarthy's interest in it produced this stunning image. (Image: Annie Cavanagh & Dave McCarthy)[NewScientist]