Best pictures from the world of medicine
[ 2009-10-21 14:04 ]
13 老鼠小肠内壁3D结构
如图所示,这是使用多光子荧光方法呈现的老鼠小肠的内壁3D结构,在小肠内壁的指状长茸毛可增大小肠内壁表面积,因而有助于消化。通过结合多张图片的观测,保罗-阿普尔顿(Paul Appleton)和他的同事们得以调查结肠癌导致的小肠内病变。照片是由保罗-阿普尔顿(Paul Appleton)提供。
This 3D reconstruction of the lining of a mouse's small intestine was made using multiphoton fluorescent methods. Villi are small finger-like projections in the lining that increase surface area and so assist digestion. By combining stacked images, Paul Appleton and his colleagues were able to investigate the changes that colon cancer causes in the intestines. (Image: Paul Appleton) [NewScientist]