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Slow progress on curbing deforestation expected at climate conference

2012-11-30 10:38

Fred Boltz, a senior vice president at Conservation International, says progress on REDD has been slow because it involves much more than preventing forest fires.

America's break with Britain divides families and friends

2012-11-30 10:32

On July fourth, seventeen seventy-six, the Second Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, approved the Declaration of Independence.

Seeking HIV tests for all in US age 15-65

2012-11-30 10:32

The US Preventive Services Task Force says wider public acceptance of HIV testing could lead to earlier treatment of cases.

New report outlines strategy for HIV/AIDS

2012-11-28 09:52

The AIDS advocacy group AVAC says 2013 will be a critical year for ending the epidemic.

Consumer spending will decline unless Congress averts fiscal cliff

2012-11-28 09:52

A new poll shows a whopping 247 million shoppers visited stores and websites over the Thanksgiving weekend.

South pacific islands now totally powered by the sun

2012-11-28 09:30

Today, we tell about an effort to require food producers to identify genetically engineered foods.

California voters reject food labeling requirement

2012-11-28 09:30

Today, we tell about an effort to require food producers to identify genetically engineered foods.

Home TB treatment is helping patients in Swaziland

2012-11-27 10:14

With the world's highest HIV rate, the kingdom of Swaziland also battles drug-resistant tuberculosis.

Oxfam: Power, water shortages in Goma

2012-11-27 10:14

Oxfam’s Christina Corbett is in Goma, where thousands of people have sought shelter in schools, churches and elsewhere.

The State of Vermont: fertile farmland, green mountains

2012-11-27 10:08

This week on our program, Steve Ember and Barbara Klein take you on a trip through the northeastern state of Vermont.

Everglades National Park–one of the world's great biological wonders

2012-11-27 10:08

This week, we tell about Everglades National Park in the American state of Florida.

Kyoto Protocol winds down as delegates head to Doha

2012-11-26 09:51

That deal sets binding targets for industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of five percent from 1990 levels.











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