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Russian Prime Minister calls for ban on smoking in public

2012-11-08 10:54

Hundreds of thousands of Russians die every year from diseases linked to smoking. The country has one of the highest smoking rates in the world.

The business of learning mandarin

2012-11-08 10:54

An increasing number of American companies are having their workers learn Mandarin.

Celebrities support US presidential candidates

2012-11-08 10:42

This election season, a huge number of celebrities have given their name, their talents and, sometimes, their money to candidates they favor.

Taylor Swift's 'Red' among 2012's best sellers

2012-11-07 13:52

Six-time Grammy winner Taylor Swift is wrapping up her busy year with a new release destined to be among 2012's best-selling albums.

Make-your-own soap entrepreneurs

2012-11-07 13:52

Soap is a product people need and use virtually every day. A ready market like that has inspired some entrepreneurs to make soap at home and sell it locally.

Eleanor Creesy helped guide one of the fastest sailing ships ever built

2012-11-07 13:28

Today, we tell about Eleanor Creesy. She helped to guide one of the fastest sailing ships ever built.

Mae West, the wild woman of film and stage

2012-11-07 13:28

Today we tell about film actress Mae West. She was also a writer, producer and businesswoman.

Condition of oceans affects human health

2012-11-06 11:00

Today, we tell about a new way to measure the health of the world’s oceans.

Ex-fighters make a new life with coffee

2012-11-06 11:00

A cooperative in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo is giving Congolese coffee exports a fresh start.

American Red Cross feeds hungry after hurricane(视频)

2012-11-06 10:48

The American Red Cross has helped prepare tens of thousands of meals and has delivered them to the areas that need them most.

Obama, Romney head to key states on election eve

2012-11-06 10:48

Both presidential candidates are rallying supporters and trying to attract minorities and independent women voters.

Amateur dinosaur tracker uncovers some rare fossils

2012-11-05 10:29

Standford says a fossilized baby dinosaur in his collection is one of the only known hatchling dinosaurs of any kind.











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