[ 2009-05-11 15:13 ]

我们平时说某人行为做事很愚蠢,可能会用“没脑子”或者说某人的脑子是某种动物的脑子,总之,就不是正常的human brain。在英语里,他们把“愚蠢的”行为称为harebrained(野兔脑子),估计跟咱们说的“猪脑子”意思差不多。至于后来为什么演变成hairbrained,看了下面的解释就明白了。
The first use of harebrained dates to 1548. The spelling hairbrained also has a long history, going back to the 1500s when hair was a variant spelling of hare. The hair variant was preserved in Scotland into the 18th century, and as a result it is impossible to tell exactly when people began writing hairbrained in the belief that the word means "having a hair-sized brain" rather than "with no more sense than a hare."
While hairbrained continues to be used, it should be avoided in favor of harebrained which has been established as the correct spelling.
反串 cross casting
误拨电话 butt call/pocket call
毕业生可能遭遇的quarterlife crisis
你有lottery mentality吗
(英语点津 Helen 编辑)