布莱尔妻子曾是“裸体模特” [ 2006-12-12 13:55 ]
据报道,英国首相托尼·布莱尔的妻子切丽年轻时曾当过裸体模特。日前,英国已故画家尤安·厄格罗26年前为切丽画下的一幅裸体肖像画,终于在沉寂多年后首次浮出水面。据悉,当时24岁的切丽·布斯是一家律师事务所的实习律师,画中的她除了象征性地穿一件敞胸无袖女衫外,可谓一丝不挂。目前,英国唐宁街10号拒绝对这幅切丽裸体画发表任何评论。 |
Cherie Blair, pictured in September with
husband and prime minister, Tony, posed nude for a painting when she was a
trainee lawyer in her mid-20s, The Times reported, saying the now leading
human rights lawyer, posed for more than a year for Euan Uglow as he
painted "Striding Nude, Blue Dress" at the rate of five pounds (7.4 euros,
9.8 dollars) an hour(AFP/File/Paul Ellis) |
Cherie Blair, the
wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair, posed nude for a painting when she was a
trainee lawyer in her mid-20s, The
Times reported.
Cherie Blair, who goes by the name Cherie Booth professionally, is now a
leading human rights lawyer, but for more than a year, posed for Euan Uglow as
he painted "Striding Nude, Blue Dress".
The painting, for which she was paid five pounds (7.4 euros, 9.8 dollars) an
hour, depicts a woman wearing a sleeveless dress open at the front.
She was required to pose still for up to an hour at a time in Uglow's south
London studios. Uglow later painted a second version of the painting with a
different model.
"He wasn't pleased with the painting because it wasn't finished," said Will
Darby, Uglow's close friend and dealer for 25 years.
"We exhibited it in 1983 alongside the finished one but after that he just
didn't want to show it."
"He was friends with the Blairs and it was his wish that it would never be
shown after they entered public life," Darby told The Times.
The painting was stored at the Browse and Darby gallery in London until
Uglow's death in 2000, and is now being held by the Marlborough Fine Art Trust.
According to The Times, Blair's Downing Street office declined to comment on
the issue.