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日本皇室继承法搁浅 安倍否决“女天皇”
[ 2007-01-05 10:10 ]

据报道,日本首相安倍晋三已经决定否决修改皇室典范,拒绝采用让女性继承天皇皇位的建议。与此同时,安倍建议日本朝野继续进行讨论,但“女天皇”已不在讨论范围内。讨论的重点将是如何确保皇位继承的稳定性,以免再次出现后继乏人的难题,这将意味着德仁皇太子的女儿爱子公主将与女天皇称号无缘。 安倍作出这一决定和纪子妃去年9月诞下男婴悠仁不无关系。这是日本皇室近41年来增添的第一名男丁。悠仁的降生使日本皇室缺乏男性继承人的难题暂时得以缓解。 



Japanese Princess Aiko (L), accompanied by her mother Crown Princess Masako (R), September last year. Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided to scrap a government panel's proposal to let women ascend to the Japanese throne, according to a newspaper report.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided to scrap a government panel's proposal to let women ascend to the Japanese throne , according to a newspaper report.
Abe would still consider amending the rules for royal succession as the world's oldest monarchy faces a crisis due to its male-only succession tradition, the conservative Sankei Shimbun said without citing sources.
It said the decision by Abe, who had been wary of letting women take the Chrysanthemum Throne, was made possible with the September birth of Prince Hisahito -- the first boy born to the imperial family since 1965.
The birth was a dream come true for conservatives, and led then-prime minister Junichiro Koizumi to suspend widely popular plans to introduce female succession.
Crown Princess Masako, a former career woman who makes few appearances due to the stress of adapting to palace life, has only one child from 13 years of marriage -- four-year-old Princess Aiko.
Traditionalists believe the imperial family has descended from a male line dating back more than 2,600 years. Historians agree the lineage dates back from at least the sixth century AD.




ascend to the Japanese throne

royal succession:皇位继承



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