[ 2007-10-16 09:43 ]
制定宏伟的经济社会发展目标to chart ambitious goals of economic and social developments
软实力soft power
民族凝聚力和创造力 national cohesion and creativity
综合国力 overall national strength
保障公民的基本文化权益to guarantee the people's basic cultural rights and interests
给予正确导向,弘扬社会正气 to give correct guidance to the public and foster healthy social trends
发展和管理网络文化to develop and manage Internet culture
培育良好的网络环境to foster a good cyber environment
公益文化活动nonprofit cultural programs
文化设施cultural facilities
大力发展文化产业to vigorously develop the cultural industry
文化产业基础cultural industry bases
富有地方特色的文化产业cultural industries with regional features
建立繁荣的文化市场to create a thriving cultural market
设立国家荣誉制度,表彰有杰出贡献的文化工作者to establish a national system of honors for outstanding cultural workers