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When you walk into your boss' office for your performance review, you need a game plan. Documenting your accomplishments is a good starting point. But just as important, you need to know how to come out of the meeting with the information you need.
Experts offer these tips for handling this sometimes tricky conversation:
* Follow up. 事后跟进
If you are surprised by a negative review and want some time to reflect before discussing it, ask your boss for more time. "Your boss knew it was coming," Civitelli said. "You may have to say, 'I need some time to think about these things.'"
If your boss wants you to improve your performance, ask if you can talk again in a few weeks to see if you're succeeding.
In some cases, if your review is very negative and you feel it's unfair, you may want to ask if there's a way to avoid having the review made part of your permanent record until you have had a chance to rectify the situation.
(the end)
(感谢网友abc_123分享 英语点津 Annabel 编辑)上一篇 : 怎样和老板谈绩效考核(2)
下一篇 : 和别人意见不同怎么办
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