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Secondary school bans girls from wearing skirts to prevent early sexualisation of pupils
![]() The new uniform policy at the school also includes a ban on scarves and hats, unless in cold weather. Trousers are not allowed to have any non-black stitching or visible metal buttons. |
Skirts have been banned at a school because the head teacher said girls have repeatedly breached rules by wearing them above the knee. Instead, from September, students at Moulton School and Science College in Northamptonshire will be forced to wear black tailored trousers. Headteacher Trevor Jones said he has taken the radical decision in order to fight the 'over-sexualisation' of children. If they fail to obey the new rule, pupils will be given second-hand clothing to wear for the day or sent home to get changed. Mr Jones said he had seen girls coming into school with skirts halfway up their thighs or even higher. He added: 'Some of them would be more appropriate in a nightclub than in a classroom.' 'School should be a place where they can come and not have to worry about that for a few hours and instead concentrate on their learning.' The existing rules had outlined that girls must wear skirts that were knee-length or below, but he said that this rule had been consistently broken. He added: 'The minimum length was proving impossible to enforce, so we are now looking at a total ban.' 'I have had complaints from a number of parents and some girls are feeling aggrieved but we think this will make the school a safer place. The school's website states the rule change, adding: 'School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone. 'It can instil pride, support positive behaviour and discipline, encourage identity with the school ethos and protect children from social pressures to dress in a particular way.' The new uniform policy at the school also includes a ban on scarves and hats, unless in cold weather. Trousers are not allowed to have any non-black stitching or visible metal buttons. (Read by Brian Salter. Brian Salter is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
英国一所学校禁止女生穿裙子,因为校长说女生们再三违反裙子要长及膝盖的规定。 因此,从九月起,北安普敦郡的莫尔顿科学院的学生将被迫穿合身的黑色长裤。 校长特雷佛•琼斯说,他决定采取这一极端手段是为了对抗儿童的“过度性化”。 如果学生未能遵守这一新规定,学校将让她们当天穿二手衣服,或让她们回家换衣服。 琼斯先生说,他看到来上学的女生穿的裙子长度仅到大腿中部,甚至更短。 他还说:“有些裙子在夜总会穿会比在教室里穿更合适。” “学校应该是一个让学生几个小时内不为穿戴操心,能够专心学习的地方。” 现有的规定是女生必须穿长度到膝盖或膝盖以下的裙子,但校长说,总是不断地有学生违反这一规定。 他补充说:“裙子的最短长度被证实是无法实施的,所以我们现在考虑全面禁止穿裙子。” “我已经接到一些家长的投诉,也有些女孩感到忿忿不平,但我们认为这会让学校成为一个更安全的地方。” 学校的网站公布了这一规定的改动,并补充说:“学校制服对于建设积极的校园文化、树立良好的校风发挥着重要的作用。 “它能够向学生灌输自豪感、强化正面行为和纪律,鼓励学生对校园文化产生认同感,保护孩子不在社会压力的影响下按特定方式打扮。” 学校的这一新制服策略还包括禁止学生戴围巾和帽子,除非在天气寒冷的日子里。 长裤上也不允许用非黑色的线缝任何东西,或是有显眼的金属纽扣。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑:Julie) |
Vocabulary: aggrieved: 受委屈的,忿忿不平的 ethos: 精神特质 |
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