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Girls should be banned from owning mobile phones to stop them eloping, an Indian MP has said. |
Girls should be banned from owning mobile phones to stop them eloping, an Indian MP has said. His comments come amid growing fears of 'talibanisation' in parts of Northern India, where social conservatism in both Hindu and Muslim communities has been blamed for honour killings, kidnappings to enforce child marriages, and a rash of controversial fatwas and village council rulings. Earlier this month a feudal leader said child marriage should be encouraged to halt an increase in rapes. One ruling sought to ban 'love marriages' as immoral while others tried to stop women from leaving their homes. In a televised speech in Muzzafarnagar, Rajpal Singh Saini told his audience of a father who had sought his help when his daughter eloped. "I asked him if he had given a mobile phone to his daughter. The person said yes," he said. "Don't give mobile phones to children, especially girls. I say this at all the places where I make my speeches. And if any of those kids have a mobile, take it away. What are they missing anyway our mothers, sisters, did they die without mobiles during their time?" he asked. The MP, who serves in India's upper house, later denied his televised remarks and said they had been misinterpreted by his opponents. (Read by Brian Salter. Brian Salter is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
印度一位国会议员说,女孩不应该使用手机,以免她们私奔。 印度北部部分地区出现的“塔利班化”引发了人们的担忧。当地印度教和穆斯林社区都存在保守主义,这也造成了当地存在“荣誉谋杀”、诱拐并强迫童婚、多起有争议的裁决、以及村务统治的状况。本月早些时候,当地一位官员说,应该鼓励童婚,因为这可以使强奸案不再增加。 还有官员想禁止“恋爱结婚”,将此归入不道德行为。也有人想禁止女性离家。 议员拉帕•辛格•赛伊尼日前在穆扎法尔讷格尔发表了一次电视讲话。当时观众中有一位父亲为女儿私奔寻求他的帮助。 他说:“我问他是否让女儿用手机,他回答说是。” “不要给孩子用手机,尤其是女孩。我到哪里讲话都要这么说。如果哪个孩子有了手机,就把它拿走。没有手机她们也不会失去什么,我们的妈妈和姐妹原来都没有手机,她们也都活得好好的。” 这位国会议员来自印度上议院,稍后他否认自己在电视讲话中发表过上述言论,说自己的发言被对手曲解了。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑:陈丹妮) |
Vocabulary: honour killing: 荣誉谋杀,指凶手谋杀家庭成员以达到挽回家族荣誉的目的,受害者几乎都是女性。 fatwas: 裁决,指令 elope: 私奔 |
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