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Fritz Kreisler is known for perpetrating one of the great hoaxes in music history—passing off his own compositions as the works of early masters. But long before that scandal broke in 1935 Kreisler involved two major composers in a clever hoax. Born on February 4th, 1875, Kreisler was only seven when he entered the Vienna Academy in 1882. His teacher for harmony and music theory was the great Anton Bruckner, a strong supporter of the music of Wagner. Kreisler and some other boys decided to make a case against Wagner. Bruckner had a chubby dog named Mops who stayed with the boys during the lunch hour while Bruckner took off for more serene surroundings. The boys put Mops to work. They made a habit of slapping and chasing the dog as they played music by Wagner. Then they would play a theme from Bruckner’s Te Deum , during which they’d feed the dog. After a while they had Mops conditioned so that the mere sound of the Wagner would make him run from the room, while the Bruckner brought him trotting back joyfully. One day when Bruckner returned from lunch the boys put their joke to the test. “Master Bruckner,” they said, “we know that you’re devoted to Wagner, but we don’t think he can even compare to you. Why, even a dog would know that you’re a greater composer than Wagner.” Bruckner blushed at the praise and asked what they meant. Out came Mops. The boys played their Wagner. Howling, the dog ran from the room. Then they played their theme from Bruckner’s Te Deum. Back came Mops, wagging his tail and pawing expectantly at their sleeves. Bruckner was convinced and visibly moved. A young Fritz Kreisler and his friends had decided one of the great musical controversies of the 1880’s—with the help of a dog named Mops. |
在音乐史上,弗里茨•克莱斯勒欺世盗名臭名昭彰——他能够将早期大师的作品和自己的作品混为一谈,让别人信以为真。但是在1935年丑闻爆发以前,克瑞斯勒用一次狡猾的伎俩,将两个大作曲家卷入其中。 克莱斯勒生于1875年2月4日。1882年才7岁时他就进入维也纳学院。克莱斯勒的和弦和音乐理论老师就是大名鼎鼎的安东•布鲁克纳。布鲁克纳是瓦格纳的坚定支持者。克莱斯勒和他的伙伴们决定找茬反对瓦格纳。 布鲁克勒有一只叫莫普斯的小胖狗,午饭时间它和孩子们在一起,而那时布鲁克勒去了更清净的地方。这些孩子们开始折腾莫普斯。当他们演奏瓦格纳的作品时,就猛拍、猛追小狗。而当他们演奏布鲁克勒的《赞美颂》的主题歌时,他们就给莫普斯喂食。不一会,他们把小狗训练好了。只要一听见纯粹的瓦格纳音乐就会从屋子里跑出去,而当演奏布鲁克勒的曲目时它就会兴奋地跑回屋里。 一天,当布鲁克勒吃完午饭返回时,孩子们开始验证他们的恶作剧。“布鲁克勒先生,”他们说道,“我们知道你对瓦格纳很忠诚,但我们认为他根本比不上你。为什么呢,因为即使一条狗也知道你是一个比瓦格纳更伟大。”布鲁克勒的脸一阵发红,问他们什么意思。 这时莫普斯出来了。孩子们演奏瓦格纳作品,莫普斯就嚎叫着从房间里跑了出去。然后,他们就演奏选自布鲁克勒的《赞美颂》的主题歌,莫普斯回来了,充满期待地对着他们的袖子挥舞着尾巴和爪子。真相大白,布鲁克勒信服了,大受感动。就这样,在这只叫莫普斯的小狗的帮助下,年轻的弗雷兹•布鲁克勒和他的伙伴们搞定了19世纪80年代一场巨大的音乐纷争。 (来源:英语学习杂志 编辑:丹妮) |
Vocabulary: 1. Fritz Kreisler: 弗里茨•克莱斯勒(1875—1962),美籍奥地利著名小提琴演奏家、作曲家。主要作品:《爱之欢乐》、《中国花鼓》等;hoax: 诡计,花招。 2. perpetrate: (坏事),犯(罪);pass off: 完成。 3. chubby: 圆胖的。 4. serene: 清净的。 5. Te Deum: 〈拉丁文〉赞美颂。 6. condition: 处于……条件;trot: 大步走。 7. devote to: 忠诚。 |
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