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一周新闻热词榜,一网打尽trending news。CHINADAILY手机报新一期热词榜发榜啦!
1. 高考禁止网络用语
2. 卧底记者曝光替考团伙
3. 中国中车复牌A股涨停
4. 苹果推出流媒体音乐服务
5. 万达试水商业地产众筹
6. 年底可网购27省客车票
7. 日元贬值引亚洲'货币战'
8. 藏区学校设'虫草假'
Net lingo
Before gaokao (or national college entrance exam) from Sunday, the education authorities in Henan and Guangdong specifically forbade students from using "Net lingo" in the exam.
根据教育部考务要求,高考应一律用现行规范汉语言文字答卷,考生切勿使用Internet language(网络语言),traditional Chinese character(繁体字),ancient Chinese language(古文)等。
但也有人指出,高考禁止网络语言是固步自封,包括汉语在内的所有语言都在keep evolving(不停进化),许多网络词汇已成为人们日常生活中常用的语言,部分甚至已被《新华字典》收录。因此,高考对网络语言不宜一概拒绝。当然了,一些dirty online phrases(粗俗网络用语)绝不能出现在考试中。
Weblish 网络英语
national college entrance exam 高考
practice test 模拟考试
key universities at the provincial level 重点一本大学
major universities at the national level 名牌大学
poaching of talented students 争抢生源
independent recruitment 自主招生
national college entrance exam migrant 高考移民
take the test for clients
The Ministry of Education said students who hire others to take the tests for them will be disqualified from the national exam and their test takers will be expelled.
南都一名记者日前成功卧底高考替考团伙,该团伙雇佣多名大学生在江西为"客户"替考。据这名undercover reporter(卧底记者)称,湖北多名大学生参与替考,其中不乏拥有多年替考经验者。这一事件引起公众和教育部门的极大关注。
替考是近几年很猖獗的作弊手段,在考试前这些surrogate exam-taker(替考者)能收到数额可观的down payment(定金),考完之后还能拿到更多。教育部表示,雇佣他人替考的学生将be disqualified from the national exam(被取消高考资格),替考者也将被开除学籍。
ghost writer 枪手
hi-tech cheating 高科技作弊
gaokao nanny 高考保姆
exam leak 考试漏题
examination factory 考试工厂
test subject 考试科目
report the case to the police 向警方报案
resume trading
CRRC is expected to continue this good performance in capital market after it resumes trading, and boost investment in both the primary market and the secondary market of the rail industry chain, according to insiders.
CRRC(中国中车)是由原来的CSR(中国南车)吸收合并CNR(中国北车)重新组建的国有企业。去年中国南车和中国北车双双suspend trading(停牌),接受证监会并购重组审核。今年年初曝出南北车高管及家属在停牌前买卖各自或对方股票,此举被指涉嫌insider trading(内幕交易),给南北车双方的合并蒙上了阴影。
南北车合并的目的是为了避免两者在国际市场上的price competition(价格战)。合并有利于优化两者的technological edges, human capital and production capacity(技术优势、人力资本和生产能力)。
中国中车8日同步登陆上海A股和港股,并且trading under CSR's old tickers(股票代码继续沿用南车的代码),上市首日两只股均大涨。
market value 市值
State-owned enterprise 国有企业
bullet train 动车
locomotive 机车
freight train 货运列车
urban rail cars 城轨车辆
rail industry chain 轨交产业链
primary market 一级市场
secondary market 二级市场
streaming music service
What is Apple Music? From what Apple said on Monday, the service is a combination of Internet radio and on-demand streaming music service.
号称"革命性音乐服务"的Apple Music到底有什么?首先,它提供7*24小时全球电台服务,non-paying users(非付费用户)也能享受此项服务;其次,你可以打造自己的电台。添加艺术家、歌曲或专辑,就能诞生基于你个人喜好的on-demand radio station(专有电台),Apple Music背后有一组专门的团队来负责为用户推荐歌曲;最后,苹果Connect服务允许艺术家上传视频、照片、歌词等与粉丝互动。
paid live webcast 付费网络直播
paid music download 音乐付费下载
Webcast 网络播放
podcast 播客
cablecast 有线广播
simulcast (无线电和电视)同步播放
Those who sign up for Wanda's crowdfunding project, "Stable Earner No 1", can expect annualized returns of 12%, generated through rental fees from completed Wanda Plazas.
中国销售额最大的commercial developer(商业地产开发商)大连万达集团推出旗下首款online investment product(网上投资产品),以求依靠广大网民筹集资金,建设下一批商场。该产品的minimum investment(最低投资额)为1000元人民币,首次向普通投资者开启了商业地产世界的大门。
crowdsourcing 众包
raise funds 集资
annualized returns 年化收益率
absorb idle fund 吸收游资
commercial lending 商业贷款
direct financing 直接融资
immigrant investor 投资移民
online ticket booking
By the end of next year, the national online ticket booking system for road transport will be put into operation, which will be a parallel bus ticket booking website with the train ticket booking website 12306.cn.
据交通运输部消息,今年年底前,首批27个省份的inter-provincial online bus ticket booking system(省域道路客运联网售票系统)主体工程将完成建设,这些省份将由此率先实现区域内联网售票工作。未来,交通部将探索实现real-name bus ticket booking(客运购票实名制)。
早在2011年,中国铁道部就开放了online booking system(网上订票系统),也就是"12306"火车订票网,所有列车均实现online ticket purchasing(网上购票),并在全国范围内推行telephone booking(电话订票)业务。
ticket scalper 黄牛/票贩子
ticket touting/scalping 倒票
peak time for passenger transport 客流高峰期
24-hour ticket sales windows 24小时售票窗口
Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) system 自动售检票系统
ID-based ticket booking system 实名购票制
currency war
From South Korea to Indonesia and India, monetary authorities are preparing to let their currencies weaken as a falling Japanese yen makes their economies uncompetitive, and drags them into what some policymakers are calling a "currency war".
Devaluation of domestic currencies(本币贬值)可以降低本国商品相对外国商品的价值,使国外人们增加对本国产品的需求,本国居民减少对外国产品的需求,从而有利于本国的出口,减少进口。另一方面,可以提高人们对currency inflation(通货膨胀)的预期,刺激domestic consumption(国内消费)。
global reserve currency 国际储备货币
settlement currency 结算货币
daily trading band 汇率波幅
rate fine-tuning 汇率微调
one-way appreciation 单边升值
bi-directional volatility 双向波动
undervalued currency 估值偏低货币
currency manipulator 货币操纵国
cordyceps vacation
From early May to late June all schools in Yushu prefecture, Qinghai province, give a special "cordyceps vacation" so that teachers and students can join in the picking of cordyceps, a worm-like fungus regarded as a valuable herb by the Chinese.
Cordyceps(冬虫夏草)被认为有神奇的medicinal powers(药效),能reduce cholesterol(降低人体胆固醇含量),increase stamina(增强体质),improve eyesight(改善视力)等,俗称golden worm("软黄金")。
冬虫夏草长在Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(青藏高原)上,青海省玉树州是虫草的main producing areas(主产区)之一,挖虫草是当地人主要的经济来源之一。每年的五六月,眼神好、身体好的青少年就成为了挖虫草大军中的主力。去年玉树当地优质虫草每公斤的价格达到3.2万元,一个家庭在一个harvest season(收获季节)的收入约为5万元。
ginseng 人参
bird's nest 燕窝
pilose antler 鹿茸
tonic 补品
(来源:中国日报双语手机报 编辑:丹妮)
上一篇 : 男生高考后“撕名牌”坠亡
下一篇 : “北京蓝”引发网友刷屏
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