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Chinese President Xi Jinping said Thursday that the essence of Chinese and British cultures has brought a fantastic "chemical reaction" into their own people's way of thinking and lifestyle through people-to-people exchanges.
习近平指出,多年来,孔子学院和孔子课堂的教职工为介绍中华文化、沟通人民心灵(communicate people's minds)、搭建友谊桥梁倾注了大量热情和心血(passion and painstaking efforts),取得了可喜成绩。语言是了解一个国家最好的钥匙,孔子学院是世界认识中国(the world to understand China)的一个重要平台(an important platform)。
Xi said the Institutes and Classrooms, as windows and bridges for linguistic and cultural exchanges between China and the world, have played an active role in facilitating people around the world to learn Chinese language and understand its culture. In addition, they have also made important contributions to China's people-to-people exchanges with the world, as well as the development of a diverse and colorful world civilization, he said.
习近平指出,近年来,孔子学院在英国快速发展(rapid expansion)。目前,英国已经建立起29所孔子学院和126个孔子课堂,数量居欧洲之首(ranking first among European countries)。全英孔子学院取得的硕果也是中英人文交流蓬勃发展的缩影。
“为之不厌,诲人不倦。”习近平说,希望在座各位教师再接再厉,为中英友好事业(China-Britain relations)添砖加瓦。希望孔子学院继续秉承“相互尊重、友好协商、平等互利”的校训,为传播文化、沟通心灵、促进世界文明多样性(the diversity of world civilizations)作出新的更大贡献(make greater contribution)。
(中国日报网英语点津 丁一)
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