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Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2016
8、《自杀小队》(Suicide Squad)
The most badass super-villains assigned to protecting people, that’s Suicide Squad for you. A government agency called A.R.G.U.S recruits villains to perform dangerous tasks that in turn reduces their prison sentence. The task force includes Joker, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Boomerang, Killer Croc and several other villains from the DC Comics universe.
超级大坏蛋们将受命保护人类——这就是《自杀小队》的主旨。 一个名叫“A.R.G.U.S”的政府机构招募了一些罪犯帮它执行危险任务,罪犯们将得到的报酬是减刑。这支特遣小队的成员有小丑、死亡射手、哈利·奎恩、回旋镖队长、杀人鳄以及DC漫画宇宙里的其他坏家伙。
The Suicide Squad is scheduled for an August 5th 2016 release.
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