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5. 座卧转换动车
bullet train with fold-up beds
China has developed a bullet train that can convert its sleeping berths to seats to meet demand for around-the-clock operations.
近日,两列CRH5E动车组在中车长春轨道客车公司下线(come off the assembly line at the CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicle Co)。这种动车的车头采用黑白相间(black-and-white)的设计,就像熊猫的黑眼圈,因此CRH5E动车组也被称为"熊猫动车组"(Panda bullet trains),其最高时速达250公里(a maximum speed of 250 km per hour)。
据介绍,作为国内唯一一款可以在极寒和狂风条件下运行(run in extreme cold and in heavy winds)的卧铺动车组(bullet trains with sleeper seats),CRH5E具有许多得天独厚的技术优势(have a number of unique technological advantages/edges)。首先,它具备简洁实用的"座卧转换"功能(the function of converting sleeping berths to seats)。CRH5E动车组共有16节车厢(carriages),其中13节车厢配备了既有卧铺又有座位的包厢(be equipped with compartments with both beds and seats)。用于夜间运营的床铺在白天可折叠成座位(the beds for night operations can be folded into seats during the daytime)。
其次,CRH5E是以目前运行在哈大线(the Harbin-Dalian railway line)和兰新线(the Lanzhou-Xinjiang railway line)上的高寒动车组为技术基础研发的卧铺动车组,因而继承了耐高寒、阻冰雪、抗风沙的特点。据悉,这款动车组可在气温低至零下40℃的环境下运行(run in temperatures as low as -40 ℃);此外,这种动车上电子功能齐全,乘客不必再为手机没电或无法上网发愁。据报道,每节车厢内都设有Wi-Fi天线和插座,乘客可连接Wi-Fi(connect to Wi-Fi)随时上网,还可以利用包厢内安装的插座或USB插口为电子设备充电(charge electric devices with installed sockets or USB ports)。
高铁 high-speed train
城际列车 inter-city train
直达列车 non-stop train
铁路专线 dedicated railway line
硬座 hard-seat
硬/软卧 hard-/soft-berth
正点率 on-schedule rate
上座率 occupancy rate
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