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中国日报网 2017-12-29 09:33




八项规定表情包 a set of animated gifs on the eight-point frugality code

The CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) released a set of animated gifs on the eight-point frugality code to mark the fifth anniversary of the code's release on Sunday.

The gifs are intended to explain the code to the public in a way catering to popular taste, and close the distance between the people and the authority, said CCDI in a statement.

2012年12月4日,中共中央政治局召开会议,审议并通过了中央政治局关于改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定(eight-point code to cut bureaucracy and maintain close ties with the people)。八项规定的主要内容包括:改进调查研究、精简会议活动(reduce meetings and celebratory events)、精简文件简报(reduce issuance of documents and briefings)、规范出访活动、改进警卫工作,改进新闻报道(media coverage)、严格文稿发表(publication under an individual's name)以及厉行节约(practice frugality)。

天际线 skyline

The Beijing city management authority is limiting the number and placement of signs on buildings in order to "create an urban skyline that is visually clear and bright", and strengthen urban management.

Skyline在英文中的解释是“the outline of a group of buildings or a mountain range seen against the sky(建筑群或者山脉在天空映衬下展现出来的轮廓景观)”,中文通常称之为“天际线”,这也是城市景观(urban landscape)的重要组成部分。

2017年9月出台的《北京市牌匾标识设置管理规范(修订版)》明确规定,楼顶禁止设置牌匾、标识、广告等,已有的也要进行清理拆除(all signs and billboards attached to roofs must be removed),核心城区、长安街沿线、二三四环沿线是重点。

红船精神 Red Boat Spirit

General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on carrying forward revolutionary spirit such as that embodied in "Red Boat Spirit" should be implemented earnestly amid the Party's efforts to strive toward fulfilling the goals set at the 19th CPC National Congress, said Wang Huning, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, on Monday.

弘扬"红船精神(Red Boat Spirit)"座谈会4日在浙江嘉兴召开。中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记王沪宁出席会议并讲话。他表示,习近平总书记提出并阐释了"红船精神"的深刻内涵和时代价值(mention the idea of Red Boat Spirit and elaborate on its meaning and value),并在瞻仰南湖红船时强调要结合时代特点大力弘扬"红船精神"。

王沪宁表示,"红船精神"是中国革命精神之源(the origin of China's revolutionary spirit),昭示着中国共产党人的初心(it reflects the original aspirations of the CPC members)。它所承载的首创精神、奋斗精神、奉献精神,是激励我们党顽强奋斗、不断发展壮大的精神动力(a symbol of creativity, hard work and devotion, it is the spiritual power that encourages the Party to keep working hard and developing),是我们党立党兴党、执政兴国的宝贵精神财富(valuable spiritual wealth),也是新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的坚强精神支撑(the strong spiritual support for the Party to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics)。要深化对"红船精神"等革命精神的学习宣传,加强理论研究阐释(enhance theoretical research and elaboration),加大宣传力度,开展形式多样的教育实践,引导人们积极投身新时代中国特色社会主义伟大实践(engage in the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era)。

1921年7月30日晚,在上海召开的中共一大(the first CPC National Congress)因遭到法租界(French concession area)巡捕袭扰,被迫转移到嘉兴南湖(Nanhu Lake)的一条小船上继续进行,在这里完成了大会议程,宣告中国共产党成立(the founding of the Party),中国的历史开启了全新的篇章。

反间谍法 Counterespionage Law

On Wednesday, the State Council issued a document for the implementation of China's Counterespionage Law.

《反间谍法》于2014年11月颁布实施,是我国为了防范对国家安全的威胁(guard against perceived threats to national security)而实施的一部法律。根据这部法律,国家安全机关在执行反间谍任务(carry out counterespionage duties)时拥有广泛权力,包括可以调查任何涉嫌间谍行为的个人或组织(investigate any individual or organization suspected of espionage),冻结或没收任何与间谍行为有关的财物(freeze or seize any property linked to acts of espionage)。

国务院6日发布了该法律的实施细则(detailed rules for the implementation of the law)。根据细则,被认为入境后可能进行危害国家安全活动(be likely to engage in activities that might endanger national security)的境外个人,国家安全机关可以决定其在一定时期内不得入境。对涉嫌间谍行为的人员(individuals suspected of espionage),国家安全机关可以决定其在一定期限内不得出境。对违反反间谍法(violate the counter-espionage law)的境外个人,国家安全机关可以决定将其驱逐出境。

根据细则,国家安全机关依法执行反间谍工作任务时,对发现身份不明、有危害国家安全行为的嫌疑人员,可以检查其随带物品(check the personal belongings)。需严厉对待的行为定义也扩大了,例如利用宗教或邪教危害国家安全(use religion or cults to harm national security)。捏造、歪曲事实(fabricate or distort facts),发表、散布危害国家安全的信息(issue information that harms China's national security)的境内外组织、个人要受到惩罚。

国家大数据战略 national big data strategy

Implementing the national big data strategy to better serve social and economic development and improve people's lives should be accelerated, President Xi Jinping said at a key meeting. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remark at a collective study session of the CPC Central Committee's Political Bureau on Friday.

大数据(big data)指规模巨大且复杂,用现有的数据处理工具(on-hand database management tools)难以获取(capture)、整理( curate)、管理( manage)以及处理(process)的数据信息统称。大数据的特点可以总结为4V:volume(大量)、velocity(高速)、variety(多变)、veracity(准确)。


We should target cutting-edge technology and mobilize prime resources to make breakthroughs in developing core big data technology, and accelerate building an independent and controllable industrial chain, value chain and eco-system of big data.

Research on and use of big data is indispensable in building a modern economy.

The internet, big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the real economy should be interconnected. Industrialization and the use of information should be integrated deeper.

Better use big data to guarantee and improve people's wellbeing

The advancement of "Internet plus education," "Internet plus medical treatment" and "Internet plus culture" to further ensure citizens' equitable access to public services.

Big data should be used extensively in implementing targeted poverty reduction and environmental protection

Strengthen the ability to protect the nation's crucial data resources, speed up relevant legislation, and improve protection of data property rights.

Protection of technical patents, digital copyrights and individual privacy should be enhanced to safeguard people's interests, social stability and national security.

The ability to obtain, analyze and use data is the basic skill for leading officials to perform their duty.

中医诊所 TCM clinics

China has relaxed standards for setting up traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinics, according to documents released by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SATCM) Monday.

此次印发的诊所标准分为两类:一类是在中医药理论指导下,运用中药(traditional Chinese medicine)和针灸(acupuncture)、拔罐(cupping)、推拿(massage)等非药物疗法开展诊疗服务,以及中药调剂(TCM prescription)、汤剂(TCM herbal soup)煎煮等中药药事服务的诊所,中医药治疗率达100%。该类诊所采用备案制管理,适用《中医诊所基本标准》。另一类是提供中西两法服务和不符合 《中医诊所备案管理暂行办法》规定的服务范围或者存在不可控的医疗安全风险的中医(综合)诊所(combination of TCM and western medicine),适用《中医(综合)诊所基本标准》。

根据《中医诊所基本标准》,设置传统纯中医诊所,需要至少有1名满足相应要求的执业医师(qualified practioner);开展中药饮片调剂活动的,至少有1名具备资质的中药技术人员(technical personnel of TCM)。新标准不再对中药房饮片品种(types of prepared herbal medicine)、诊室面积(consulting room area)等设定具体数字门槛,但增加了感染控制(infection control)的内容,要求诊所制定感染控制制度和流程,中医药技术操作符合中医医疗技术相关性感染预防与控制等有关规定。

根据《中医(综合)诊所基本标准》,中医(综合)诊所仍应以提供中医药门诊诊断和治疗为主(prioritize TCM),中医药治疗率不低于85%。并设置诊所建筑面积不少于40平方米(the clinic should cover a total of more than 40 square meters )、卫生技术人员人均面积不少于10平方米(provide at least 10 square meters per practitioner on average)、每室(含中药存放、调剂区)不少于10平方米等具体条件。

3D打印 3D printing

The government expects the 3D printing industry to maintain an annual growth rate of more than 30 percent in the coming years and its revenue to top 20 billion yuan (around $3 billion) in 2020, according to guidelines released Wednesday by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and 11 other agencies.

“3D打印”(3D printing)的专业名称为增材制造(additive manufacturing,AM),是以数字模型为基础,将材料逐层堆积制造出实体物品的新兴制造技术(a new technology that adds material together to create a real object)。增材制造产业是先进制造业(advanced manufacuring)的重要组成部分。

计划提出,到2020年开展100个以上试点示范项目(more than 100 pilot programs),推动增材制造在10个重点制造业领域(10 key manufacturing sectors)的示范应用,加快培育一批创新能力突出、特色鲜明的示范企业和产业集聚区,推动增材制造在航空、航天、船舶、汽车、医疗、文化、教育等领域实现规模化应用。关键核心技术达到国际同步发展水平(homegrown core technology will reach international levels),培育2-3家以上具有较强国际竞争力的龙头企业( foster two or three domestic firms able to take on global rivals with their products recognized in overseas markets),在部分领域实现规模化应用,国际发展能力明显提升。

生态环境损害赔偿 ecological and environmental damage compensation


By 2020, China aims to establish an efficient comprehensive damage compensation system to protect and improve the country's ecosystem.

该方案中所称生态环境损害(ecological and environmental damage),是指因污染环境、破坏生态(environmental pollution and ecological damage)造成大气、地表水、地下水、土壤、森林等环境要素和植物、动物、微生物等生物要素的不利改变(unfavorable changes of environmental elements such as air, surface water, underground water, soil and forest, as well as biological elements such as plants, animals and microbes),以及上述要素构成的生态系统功能退化(functional deterioration of ecosystem)。

方案规定,违反法律法规,造成生态环境损害的单位或个人(individuals or companies that cause environmental damage),应当承担生态环境损害赔偿责任,做到应赔尽赔;生态环境损害无法修复的(if the damages are beyond restoration),实施货币赔偿(monetary compensation),用于替代修复。省级、市地级政府可指定相关部门或机构负责生态环境损害赔偿具体工作(the process will be managed by institutions designated by provincial or municipal governments)。跨省域的生态环境损害(trans-provincial ecological damage),由生态环境损害地的相关省级政府协商开展生态环境损害赔偿工作。

自动驾驶车辆 autonomous vehicle

China's first guideline on road tests of autonomous vehicles was released on Monday by local authorities in Beijing, signaling the country's determination to accelerate the development of the technology.

“自动驾驶车辆”(autonomous vehicle/self-driving vehicle),又称无人驾驶汽车或电脑驾驶汽车,是通过电脑系统操控实现无人驾驶的智能汽车。自动驾驶汽车依靠人工智能(artificial intelligence)、视觉计算(visual computing)、雷达(radar)、监控装置(monitoring devices)和全球定位系统(GPS)协同合作,让电脑可以在没有任何人类主动的操作下,自动安全地操作机动车辆。

细则规定,在中国境内注册的独立法人单位(independent entities registered in China),可申请自动驾驶车辆临时上路行驶。自动驾驶车辆须具备自动、人工两种驾驶模式(self-driving and conventional driving modes),可在两种模式间随时切换。为保证安全,测试车辆在上路测试前,必须在自动驾驶封闭测试场进行过不少于规定里程与规定测试环境的测试(finish tests with certain mileage at the designated training ground),测试结果经专家评审认定,具备条件才允许上路测试。

上路后,测试单位应购买不低于500万人民币的交通事故责任保险(traffic accidents liability insurance)或提供不少于500万元的自动驾驶道路测试事故赔偿保函(letter of guarantee for damage compensation of self-driving road tests accidents)。

对测试驾驶员的要求,细则指出,测试主体应与测试驾驶员签订劳动合同;测试驾驶员应当持有机动车驾驶证(drving license),具有三年以上安全驾驶经历,无酒驾、毒驾经历(with no record of DUI)。

大熊猫便便 giant panda poo

The China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Sichuan has signed an agreement with Qianwei Fengsheng Paper to offer panda droppings and food residue to the company to help it generate more of its bamboo-based tissue.

熊猫粪便被称为“青团”(green balls),稍微干燥后,就会看到青团的成分是细碎的竹节(broken bamboo leaves)。一只成年大熊猫,每天食用12-15公斤竹子。经过熊猫消化后,这些食物会变成超过10公斤的粪便。另外,投食的竹子并不会被完全食用(pandas won't eat all the bamboo leaves provided to them),甚至绝大部分成为残渣。每只大熊猫每天会产生50公斤左右的竹子残渣(waste bamboo leaves)。

根据协议,未来都江堰、卧龙、碧峰峡三大熊猫基地的熊猫食物残渣(food residue)、粪便(droppings)都将被回收利用,通过洗选(selecting and washing)、蒸煮(steaming)、高温消毒(high-temperature sterilization)等环节提炼出植物纤维,来生产抽纸(box tissues)、卷纸(toilet rolls)、手帕纸(pocket tissues)等生活用纸。

目前,采用熊猫粪便生产的“山丘panda poo本色纸巾”已经面市,每盒售价43元。

水陆两栖飞机 amphibious aircraft

China’s homegrown AG600,codenamed Kunlong,took to the skies on Sunday for its maiden flight.This is the world’s largest amphibious aircraft in production.

“鲲龙”AG600是我国为满足森林灭火(forest firefighting)和水上救援(marine rescue)的迫切需要,首次研制的大型特种用途民用飞机,是国家应急救援体系建设急需的重大航空装备。

森林灭火时,它可多次往返高效率投水灭火,20秒内可一次汲水12吨(collect 12 tons of water in 20 seconds),单次投水救火面积可达4000余平方米,接近一个足球场的面积。海上救援时,“鲲龙”可快速响应、到达,在复杂气象条件下实施救援,起降抗浪能力不低于2米,可一次救助50名海上遇险人员(carry 50 people during search-and-rescue missions)。

AG600除了满足森林灭火和水上救援要求,还能根据用户的需要加改装必要的设备,执行海洋环境监测与保护(marine environment monitoring and protection)、资源探测(resources surveying)、岛礁运输(personnel and supply transportation)等任务,以及为“一带一路”提供海上航行安全保障和紧急支援等任务。

AG600坚持自主创新,以国内供应商配套为主,全机5万多个结构及系统零部件中98%由国内供应商提供(98 percent of the AG600's 50,000-plus components are supplied by Chinese companies),全机机载成品95%以上为国产产品。

“鲲龙”与我国运—20大型运输机(the Y-20 transport plane)、C919大型喷气式客机(the C919 jetliner)一起,被称为中国大飞机“三剑客”。运20和C919分别于2013年和2017年成功首飞。

甲骨文 oracle bone inscriptions

Ancient oracle bone inscriptions-the earliest documentary evidence found in China-became the 13th Chinese documentary heritage inscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register.

世界记忆名录(Memory of the World Register)是指符合世界意义、经联合国教科文组织世界记忆工程国际咨询委员会(International Advisory Committee of UNESCO's Memory of the World Programme)确认而纳入的文献遗产(documentary heritage)项目。

根据世界记忆项目的定义,文献遗产指的是具有信息内容和载体的一份、或有逻辑连贯性的一组文献,如一个集合(a collection)、馆藏(a holding)或档案全宗(an archival fonds)。


中国传统音乐录音档案(Traditional Music Sound Archives)(1997年入选)

清代内阁秘本档(Records of the Qing's Grand Secretariat - 'Infiltration of Western Culture in China')(1999年入选)

东巴古籍文献(Ancient Naxi Dongba Literature Manuscripts)(2003年入选)

清代科举大金榜(Golden Lists of the Qing Dynasty Imperial Examination)(2005入选)

样式雷建筑图档(Qing Dynasty Yangshi Lei Archives)(2007入选)

《本草纲目》(Compendium of Materia Medica)(2011年入选)

《黄帝内经》(Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon)(2011年入选)

侨批档案海外华侨银信(Qiaopi and Yinxin Correspondence and Remittance Documents from Overseas Chinese)(2013年入选)

元代西藏官方档案(Official Records of Tibet from the Yuan Dynasty China, 1304-1367)(2013年入选)

南京大屠杀档案(Documents of the Nanjing Massacre)(2015年入选)

近现代中国苏州丝绸档案(The Archives of Suzhou Silk from Modern and Contemporary Times)(2017年入选)

清代澳门地方衙门档案(Official Records of Macao During the Qing Dynasty,1693-1886)(2017年入选)

游戏障碍 gaming disorder

The World Health Organization is considering adding "gaming disorder" to the list of mental health conditions in its next update of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), according to a beta draft of the document.

在该草案的描述中,沉迷游戏的行为需符合以下三个特征才可能被归为“游戏障碍”(gaming disorder):

if a person loses control over their gaming habits,

if they start to prioritize gaming over many other interests or activities,

if they continue playing despite clear negative consequences.

而且,这样的游戏行为在个人、家庭、社交、教育、职场以及其他重要领域产生了严重的不良影响(to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning),才会被归为精神疾病(mental health problem)。

对于游戏成瘾是否该被归为疾病在心理学界一直都有争论。最大的问题是,花很多时间打游戏和游戏成瘾这两种行为很难界定(hard to distinguish between simply spending a lot of time playing games and actual addictive behavior)。而且,有些抑郁症或者焦虑症患者可能会用打游戏或者酗酒等方式缓解抑郁症状。因此,这其中的利弊也要根据实际情况来判定。

此前也有研究显示,玩游戏可以帮助释放压力、提升解决问题的能力以及眼手协调能力(enhance eye-hand coordination)。

微信身份证 WeChat ID card

China's first electronic "identification card" was issued in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong province, on Monday.

这种电子身份证的全称为“微信身份证网证”(WeChat electronic identity authentication certificate),是由公安部第一研究所在国家重大项目支撑下推出的身份证网上应用凭证(identity authentication certificate for online application)。该应用依据《居民身份证法》,以身份证制证数据为基础,通过国家“互联网+可信身份认证平台(internet plus identity authentication platform)” 签发与实体身份证芯片唯一对应的电子文件——身份证“网证”。

该应用引入了“微警认证”的人脸识别技术(facial recognition technology),通过人工智能(artificial intelligence)系统自动比对用户身份信息、人像、身份证件的真实性与一致性,比对成功后即可开通身份证网上凭证。


第一,你可以在微信小程序中搜索“网证”找到“网证CTID”小程序。通过输入自己的身份证、姓名相关信息办理黑白“轻量版”(lightweight version)身份证“网证”。据了解,这种“简约版本”的网上身份证只适用于一些仅需简单证明“我就是我”的场景(unofficial occasions),如网吧实名制登记等。

第二种方式,则是下载“微警App”。注册后通过身份证信息以及“认证码”进行登陆。这一种方式属于“升级版”(upgraded version),适用于一些需要严格规范认证的场景(formal occassions requiring secure authentication),比如工商注册登记等。

(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)

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