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The People in Your (Extended) Family
但你知道third cousin,second cousin once removed是什么吗?下面我们就来认识一下这些英语中的“远房亲戚”。
Let's start with the first generally well-known circle beyond the nuclear family of parents and siblings: parents of your parents are your grandparents; children of your siblings are nieces and nephews; siblings of your parents are aunts and uncles; children of your aunts and uncles are first cousins.
让我们先从众所周知的核心家庭圈,也就是父母和兄弟姐妹开始:你父母的父母是你的grandparents(祖父母);你兄弟姐妹的子女是你的nieces和nephews(侄女侄子、外甥/外甥女);你父母的兄弟姐妹是你的aunts和uncles(阿姨/姑姑、叔伯/舅舅);你的阿姨/姑姑或叔伯/舅舅的子女是你的first cousins(堂/表兄弟姐妹)。
All that's pretty familiar territory.
Taking a peek next at the most direct line of the generations that precede us, we have greats and grands: your grandparents' parents are your great-grandparents; their parents are your great-great-grandparents, and so on. And just as your parents' siblings are aunts and uncles, so are your grandparents' siblings great-aunts (or grandaunts) and great-uncles (or granduncles), and your great-grandparents' siblings great-great-aunts and great-great-uncles, and so on.
First cousins
Second Cousins
以此类推,还有third, fourth, and fifth cousins……。
还有一种cousins,叫first cousins once removed,“隔了一代的第一代表亲”又是什么意思呢?
First cousins once removed
The degree of a cousin (first, second, third, etc.) doesn't change between generations, but the word removed is used to signal a different generation. Your first cousin —let's say it's Sue— is also a first cousin to your own child, but is removed by a generation, making Sue your child's first cousin once removed.
表亲关系不管是一代、二代还是三代的,都不因为辈分变化而变化,而removed这个单词是用来表示两人不属于同一辈的情况。假设苏是你的第一代表亲,那么她也是你孩子的第一代表亲,但是这中间差了一辈,因此苏就是你孩子的first cousin once removed。
Removed表示两个人不是一代人。你和你的first cousin是一代人,所以你们之间不能说removed。而你的first cousin和你的子女不是一代人,两个人之间差一个辈分就是once removed,如果差两个辈分就是first cousin twice removed。
如果你明白了以上的规律,那么就不难理解second cousin once removed的意思。
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