新华网 2013-03-28 14:38
德班行动计划 一、举行金砖国家安全事务高级代表会议。 二、金砖国家外长在联合国大会期间举行会晤。 三、举行协调人及副协调人中期会议。 四、金砖国家财长和央行行长在二十国集团会议、世界银行和国际货币基金组织会议期间或根据需要单独举行会议。 五、金砖国家贸易部长在出席多边活动期间或根据需要单独举行会议。 六、举行金砖国家农业及农村发展部长会议,并在会前召开农产品和粮食安全问题专家预备会议和农业专家组会议。 七、举行金砖国家卫生部长会议及其筹备会。 八、在相关多边活动期间举行金砖国家人口事务官员会议。 九、举行金砖国家科技部长会和科技高官会议。 十、举行金砖国家合作社会议。 十一、财金部门在世界银行/国际货币基金组织会议期间或根据需要单独举行会议。 十二、举行金砖国家经贸联络组会议。 十三、举行金砖国家友好城市暨地方政府合作论坛。 十四、举行金砖国家城市化论坛。 十五、2013年在新德里举行国际竞争力大会。 十六、举行金砖国家统计部门负责人第五次会议。 十七、根据需要,金砖国家常驻纽约、维也纳、罗马、巴黎、华盛顿、内罗毕和日内瓦的代表团和/或使馆举行磋商。 十八、如有必要,金砖国家高官在可持续发展、环境及气候领域的国际论坛期间举行磋商。 可探讨的新合作领域: ——公共外交论坛 ——反腐败合作 ——国有企业合作 ——禁毒部门合作 ——虚拟秘书处 ——青年政策对话 ——旅游 ——能源 ——体育及大型体育赛事 |
eThekwini Action Plan: 1. Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs on the margins of UNGA.
2. Meeting of BRICS National Security Advisors. 3. Mid-term meeting of Sherpas and Sous-Sherpas. 4. Meetings of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in the margins of G20 meetings, WB/IMF meetings, as well as stand-alone meetings, as required.
5. Meetings of BRICS Trade Ministers on the margins of multilateral events, or stand-alone meetings, as required. 6. Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Agriculture and Agrarian Development, preceded by a preparatory meeting of experts on agro-products and food security issues and the Meeting of Agriculture Expert Working Group. 7. Meeting of BRICS Health Ministers and preparatory meetings.
8. Meeting of BRICS Officials responsible for population on the margins of relevant multilateral events. 9. Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Science and Technology and meeting of BRICS Senior Officials on Science and Technology. 10. Meeting of BRICS Cooperatives. 11. Meetings of financial and fiscal authorities in the margins of WB/IMF meetings as well as stand-alone meetings, as required. 12. Meetings of the BRICS Contact Group on Economic and Trade Issues (CGETI). 13. Meeting of the BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum. 14. Meeting of the BRICS Urbanization Forum. 15. Meeting of BRICS Competition Authorities in 2013 in New Delhi. 16. 5th Meeting of BRICS Heads of National Statistical Institutions.
17. Consultations amongst BRICS Permanent Missions and/or Embassies, as appropriate, in New York, Vienna, Rome, Paris, Washington, Nairobi and Geneva, where appropriate. 18. Consultative meeting of BRICS Senior Officials in the margins of relevant sustainable development, environment and climate related international fora, where appropriate. New areas of cooperation to be explored - BRICS Public Diplomacy Forum. - BRICS Anti-Corruption Cooperation. - BRICS State Owned Companies/State Owned Enterprises. - National Agencies Responsible for Drug Control. - BRICS virtual secretariat. - BRICS Youth Policy Dialogue. - Tourism. - Energy. - Sports and Mega Sporting Events. |
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)